Senaid Kobilica

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Senaid Kobilica

Senaid Kobilica (born January 17, 1974 in Zenica , Bosnia ) is an Islamic personality in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Norway .

After graduating from high school, he studied on a scholarship at the International Islamic University in Islamabad , Pakistan .

He was the Imam of the Islamic Community in Bosnia and Herzegovina and came to Norway in 1999. In 2007 he was elected President of the umbrella organization of the Islamic Council of Norway (norweg. Islamsk Råd Norge , IRN), an umbrella organization for the Muslim congregations and organizations in Norway - a position he held until 2013, when Mohammad Bouras was elected as his successor . He was previously its vice-president.

Kobilica was one of the signatories of the Amman Message ( Amman Message ).

See also

References and footnotes

  1. Ung muslimsk Fremdtid

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