Sepp Wudy

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Sepp Wudy , also known as Knecht vom Frischwinkel (a group of farms near Eisenstrasse in the Bohemian district of Neuern , today Czech. Brčálník ) (* 1870 , † 1915 ), was a popular seer. A whole series of prophecies are ascribed to Wudy, with which he entered the legends of the Bavarian-Bohemian region.

Wudy was a servant on farms in the Bohemian Forest and the Bavarian Forest . He foretold the future of the peasants with casual, strange remarks. According to tradition, he also prophesied his own death. He was killed as a soldier in the Austro-Hungarian army in the Dolomites during the First World War .

Wudy's notes were written down by the Bohemian Forest poet Hans Watzlik and were thus preserved for posterity. In 1944 he gave it to the local researcher Paul Friedl .

Wudy's Prophecies

The Bohemian Forest will one day be scorched like a straw bucket. Don't run away when the gray birds fly, it will be even worse elsewhere. It is coming to an end and it has already started. It will be like a hundred years ago. So it will set people back and so will they be punished for their cockiness. You have the food in front of you and you are not allowed to eat it because it is your death and you have the water in the Grandl and you cannot drink it because it is your death. There is another spring from the Osser where you can drink. If your hair falls out, you've got it. Farmer tell your children to run to the mountain when it crashes. When Uhmandl stops screaming and the rabbits come to the house and fall over, get away from the water and don't mow grass.


  • Paul Friedl: Prophecies from the Bavarian-Bohemian area. Rosenheim, 1974
  • Wolfgang J. Bekh : Bavarian clairvoyant. 1976

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