Serbian Studies

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Serbistik or Serbian Philology , an area which is Slavic , which with the Serbian language , the Serbian literature (history), geography and culture is concerned.

With the Croatian , Slovenian , Macedonian and Bulgarian it is dealing with the South Slavic Languages busy end Südslawistik , one of the three parts of the Slavic. It is also taught within these areas at the universities in Germany, since it would be impossible to deal with every single slavic .

The term Serbian as such did not emerge until the 1990s . Until then, Serbian Studies was one of the two parts of Serbo-Croatian Studies . With the disintegration of the former Yugoslavia , this discipline also disintegrated, which is often said to have been an instrument of power politics in the service of the so-called Greater Serbian ideology. Under the pressure of the language policy of the nationalist movements in Croatia and Serbia, it was also recognized within the foreign Slavonic studies in the 1990s that the unity of Serbo-Croatian cannot be maintained without the unifying Yugoslav state and the corresponding political pressure.

Today Serbian studies deal with traditional philological areas, linguistics and literary studies.

Thus, in linguistics, synchronous and diachronic linguistics, the development of Serbian within the Slavic language group, the influence of Old Church Slavonic and the other areas of linguistics are taught, applied to the Serbian language. The linguistic changes in recent years are also subjects of research.

In literary studies and cultural studies, a great deal of research is carried out on the history of Serbian literature from the Middle Ages , literary theory, influences and developments in literature and the like.

Geography deals with the cultural development and history of the Serbian people in Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and the other Balkan countries.

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