Josef Jireček

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Josef Jireček (1888)

Josef Jireček (born October 9, 1825 in Vysoké Mýto , † November 25, 1888 in Prague ) was a Czech literary historian, linguist and politician.


Josef Jireček came from a poor family. After attending the school in Hohenmauth and the grammar school in Leitomischl , he began studying philosophy at the Charles University in Prague in 1844 and, since 1849, at the law faculty . During his studies he trained intensively in foreign languages ​​and lived on the additional income of a private teacher. In 1848, during the national movement of the Czechs , he took part as a member of the Slav Congress chaired by František Palacký .

Jireček was married to the daughter of Pavel Josef Šafařík . After the death of his father-in-law he began to publish his Slavic literature . With Leopold Hasner von Artha and later with Karel Jaromír Erben , he edited the Pražské noviny ( Prague Newspaper ) from 1848 , headed the České Muzeum (Czech Museum) magazine and was secretary of the Matice Česká Association . From 1849 he translated the Zákonník občanský (Civil Code) together with heirs, Jan Neubauer and Vendelín Grünwald . In 1850 he went from Prague to Vienna and worked as a lawyer at the Ministry of Culture and Education and also published in the Wiener Tagesblatt , a magazine published by the Bohemian nobility.

In 1851 he became a member of a commission that standardized the scientific nomenclature for Czech secondary schools, grammar schools and secondary schools. The chairman of the commission and minister Leo von Thun-Hohenstein commissioned Jirěček with the creation of a Czech reader. These reading books and literary anthologies were distributed in schools from 1853 to 1861. As secretary he took over the management of the secondary schools in the Czech Republic in 1859 and, because of his linguistic qualifications, also in other Slavic countries of Austria-Hungary as well as in Hungary and Italy.

In 1862 he was one of the proponents of the authenticity of the Königinhof manuscript . On February 12, 1871, the Austrian Prime Minister, Count Karl Sigmund von Hohenwart, appointed him Minister for Culture and Education. During the time of his activity in this office he ordered linguistic equality in the individual countries of Austria-Hungary. In Poland, the Academy of Sciences in Cracow was established at this time . A few Slavic schools were opened in Dalmatia , and equality between the Czech and German languages ​​was welcomed in Bohemia and Moravia . On October 30, 1871, he had to give up his office again.

In 1873 he returned to Prague and devoted himself only to his literary work. Most of his works deal with the scientific interpretation of Bohemian literary history and ancient Bohemian literary monuments. From May 5, 187X to November 25, 1888, he was chairman of the Royal Czech Association of Teachers.

In addition to numerous memberships in Czech associations and institutes, he was also a member of the Polish, South Slav and Hungarian academies as well as the archaeological association in Moscow and Zagreb. He was also a member of the Consortium for Serbian Teaching in Belgrade and the British Royal Historical Society in London. In 1884 he received the Order of the Iron Crown of the 2nd class.

His intensive research, the early death of his daughter and the almost fanatical hostility of his German and Czech colleagues led to health problems at Jireček. During his visit to Vienna on March 1, 1887, he suffered from a nervous disease that also impaired his brain activity and eventually led to his death after a long period. He is buried in Prague in the Vyšehrad cemetery .

His son Konstantin Jireček was also an important historian, his brother Hermenegild Jireček a lawyer.

Publications (selection)

Literary publications

  • Národopisný přehled království Českého r. 1850 (Ethnographic survey of the Kingdom of Bohemia 1850) (Prague, 1850)
  • Preface to the Německo-český slovník vědeckého názvosloví pro gymnasia a reálné školy (Prague, 1853)
  • The Austrian school book publisher (1864)
  • Postu obecného školstva čes. or r. 1850 (1866)
  • Paзвитак jугoслaвенскога нapодноrа шкoлствa са оссбитим обзиром на Дaлмациjy (Srbskodalm. Magaz. 1867)
  • The authenticity of the Königinhof manuscript has been critically proven . Prague, 1862
  • Handbook of the teaching and examination system in Austria: Written with consideration of the points worth knowing for further circles . Vienna: Gorischek, 1868.
  • Náš lid ve Vídni (Almanac Perly české 1855)
  • About the proposal to write Ruthenian with Latin characters: On behalf of the KK Ministry f. Cultus et al. Teaching features . Vienna: Hof- u. State printing office, 1859.
  • Actual representation of the circumstances d. Greek hierarchy in Austria, then the illirish national congresses and negotiating synods . Vienna: K. k. Hof- u. State printing office, 1861.
  • The Serbian privileges, negotiating congresses, etc. Synods (1864)

Old Bohemian texts

  • Peter Hubáček Kolinský: O věcech rybářských, ptáčnických a štěpařských (Vienna, 1857)
  • Jan Blahoslav : Grammatika česká (Vienna 1857)
  • Wilhelm Count of Slawata : Děje království Uherského v r. 1526–46 (Vienna 1857)
  • Memories of Wilhelm Graf von Slawata 1608 to 1619 (Prague, 1866–68 in Gindels Monum. Hist. Bohemicae)
  • Monograph Life of the Supreme Court Chancellor W. Count Slavata (1876)
  • Denník Heřmana hrab. Černína o druhé poselské cestě do Konstantinopole r. 1644-45 (1858)
  • Salicetovo Ranné lékařství (Prague, 1867)
  • Práva městská M. Pavla Krystyana z Koldína (1876 in Codex juris boheme)
  • Rýmovaná kronika česká tak řečeného Dalimila (1878)
  • Podkoní a žák (Prague, 1878)
  • Staročeské divadelní hry (1878)
  • Brikcí z Licka a Zřízení zemská království Českého (1880 and 1882 in Codex juris boh.)
  • Podřečí východních Čech (1863)
  • O složených číslovkách staročeských (1864)
  • Rozličná povaha hlásky ł alv češtině (1867)
  • Nákres mluvnice staročeské (Prague, 1870)
  • Remnants of the local suffix -as and -ach in German conversions slav. Place names ("Archive f. Slav. Phil." II)
  • O zvláštnostech češtiny v starých rukopisech moravských (1887)
  • Paměti turecké Michala Konstantinoviće z Ostrovice (1860)
  • Překladové čeští kroniky trojanské (1860)
  • Staročeské duchovní romány (1862)
  • Hymnologia bohemica, dějiny církevního básnictví českého až do XVIII stol. (1878)
  • Tomáš Bavorovský a jeho věk (1864)
  • Ku kritickému rozboru Alexandreidy (1865)
  • Bartoloměj Paprocký z Hlohol (1866)
  • O vyvinutí historické prosy české za X va XVII. věku (1873)
  • Literatura exulantův českých (1874)
  • O stavu literatury české v r. 1815-20 (1878)
  • Hankovy původní písně (1879)
  • Zbytky českých národních písní ze XIV. Do XVIII. věku (1879, 1881)
  • Idyllická skládání ze XVII. věku (1881)
  • Jiří (Hanus) Lanskronský z Kronenfeldu (1883)
  • Jan Racek (Rodericus) z Chotěřiny (1888)
  • Jan Hodějovský z Hodějova a latinští básníci tovaryšstva jehoI (1884).
  • Looking back at the state of Bohemia in the X VII and X VII centuries, with special attention to the development of the Bohem. Literature since Maria Theresa (1886)
  • Studia z oboru mythologie české (1863)
  • O slovanském bohu Velesu (1875)
  • Zprávy o některých mravech českých XVI. věku (1864)
  • Celnictví české za XVI. věku (1867)
  • Jakub Palaeolog (1875)
  • Statky pánův z Rožmberka (1875)
  • Mikulášenci (1876)
  • O hudebních nástrojích staročeských (1876)
  • Štíty starých rodin českých a moravských dle kroniky Dalimilovy (1877)
  • Zpomínky na kroje staročeské (1877)
  • Některé příhody pana Henryka z Waldšteina (1878)
  • Zprávy Arabův o středověku slovanském (1878, 1880)
  • Vrchobreznický chronograph (1879)
  • Železné krávy (1879)
  • Zpráva o židovském pobití v Praze r. 1389 (1880)
  • Jakub Bas-ševi z Treuenburka (1883)
  • Dějepisné zprávy ve spisech náboženského obsahu z XVI. a XVII. věku
  • On the history of the Jews in Bohemia
  • Duchovní styky Čechův a Maďarův za XIV.–XV. věku a uher. Husité (1885)
  • History of south slav. literature
  • Šafařík's fragment of the Nibelungenlied (1863)
  • Jedan list Vuka Karadžića i devet listova Jeremije Gagića PJ Šafariku
