Serge Maschewski

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Sergei Ivanovich Maschewski ( Russian Сергей Иванович Машевский , scientific. Transliteration Sergei Ivanovich Maševskij , Ukrainian Сергій Машевський Serhiy Maschewskyj * 1975 , Pavlodar , Kazakh SSR , Soviet Union ) is a German-Russian Lutheran theologian and was from 2013 to 2018 bishop of the German Evangelical Lutheran Church Ukraine (DELKU).


Education and parish work

Serge Maschewski was born into a Russian-German family in Kazakhstan. He studied Protestant theology and philosophy in Kazakhstan. He later attended the Concordia Theological Seminary of the Missouri Synod in Fort Wayne , USA .

Since 2009 he has been pastor of the parish of the German Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ukraine in Dnipropetrovsk .

Episcopate and disputes

In 2013 he was elected the first bishop of the Church who did not come from Germany and who was chosen by the members themselves. Since then it has provoked heated arguments. His critics accuse him of a despotic leadership style and financial lack of transparency. Maschewski changed the entire 15-person staff of the DELKU law firm in Odessa . The posting contracts of the critical pastors Haska (Kiev) and Hamburg (Odessa) were not renewed despite the approval of the EKD , which finances the pastors' posts . Eleven municipalities left the DELKU because of Maschewskis. "Maschewski has installed a dictatorial system that has nothing to do with the Lutheran understanding of the church," said his predecessor Uland Spahlinger.

In addition, Maschewski wanted as bishop to bring the church closer to the positions of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod from the USA, which represents ultra-conservative views and does not belong to the Lutheran World Federation . He refused an ordination of pastors . Maschewski rejected the allegations that he wanted to open the church to other theological directions. He accused his predecessors of financial enrichment.

The President of the DELKU Synod, Konstantin Burlow-Wasiljew, demanded a written statement from Maschewski in June 2016; He was drunk when he came to the inauguration of a chapel in Kiev and was therefore unable to give his speech. In July 2016, Maschewski dismissed Burlow and his home parish in Kiev from the Ukrainian Church. With legal means he fought for access to church buildings and real estate of parishes that left the DELKU.

On October 9, 2018, the DELKU Synod withdrew the majority of the trust and powers of Bishop Serge Maschewski and, in accordance with the statutes, elected Pawlo Schwarz , pastor of the German Evangelical Lutheran Resurrection Community in Kharkiv as his successor for one year ("episcopal visitor") .

Despite being voted out by the synod, Maschewski still sees himself in office, now calls himself “Bishop of all of Ukraine” and has some of the parishes on his side. Maschewski was able to revoke Pawlo Schwarz's state registration as administrative chairman of the DELKU and therefore still has access to its finances, real estate and cars. Since Maschewski's assumption of office, the number of members of the DELKU has shrunk sharply: in 2013 it had 2,000 to 2,500 members, in spring 2019 - Schwarz and Maschewski's congregations together - around a thousand.


Serge Maschewski is married and has two children.

Web links


  1. Evangelical press service : Lutheran Church in Ukraine in crisis. OUR CHURCH (UK) - Evangelical newspaper for Westphalia and Lippe, July 12, 2016, accessed on March 21, 2017 .
  2. Thomas Greif: Lies and Intimidation - The Bavarian partner church in Ukraine falls apart under Bishop Maschewski. (No longer available online.) Evangelisches Sonntagsblatt für Bayern , July 17, 2016, archived from the original on September 30, 2016 ; accessed on March 21, 2017 .
  3. Achim Schmid (questions): "A disaster" - Senior Church Councilor Michael Martin: "We have put the partnership on hold". (No longer available online.) Evangelisches Sonntagsblatt für Bayern, July 17, 2016, archived from the original on September 27, 2016 ; accessed on March 21, 2017 .
  4. Ukraine: DELKU agrees partnership with Missouri Synod. Gustav-Adolf-Werk e. V. - Diaspora work of the Evangelical Church in Germany, August 19, 2016, accessed on March 22, 2017 .
  5. Helmut Frank: »Your congregation has been canceled« - Ukraine: Bishop Serge Maschewski continues his course of confrontation. Evangelisches Sonntagsblatt für Bayern 38/2016, September 18, 2016, accessed on March 22, 2017 .
  6. 1st DELKU Synod 2018 elects Pavlo Schwarz as episcopal visitor. DELKU, October 11, 2018, accessed October 20, 2019 .
  7. ^ Philipp Demling: Pawlo Schwarz on the power struggle in the German Lutheran Church in Ukraine. Evangelisches Sonntagsblatt für Bayern 18/2019, May 12, 2019, accessed on May 20, 2019 .