Sergei Wolfgangowitsch Sagrajewski

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Sergei Wolfgangowitsch Sagrajewski

Sergei Wolfgangowitsch Sagrajewski , mostly in English transcription Sergey Zagraevsky ( Russian Сергей Вольфгангович Заграевский , born August 20, 1964 in Moscow ; † July 6, 2020 there ), was a Russian Jewish architectural historian and author .


Sagrajewski was the son of the architectural historian Wolfgang Kawelmacher (1933-2004) and the poet and playwright Inna Sagrajewskaja (* 1933). Sagrajewski studied the scientific problems of systems analysis until the mid-1990s. He trained as an architectural historian and theologian. In 1998 he began to focus entirely on the arts, humanities and his activities as chairman of the Russian Artists Union. Between 2002 and 2005 Sagrajewski gave classes at the Moscow Institute of Art Restoration ; later he lectured at the Russian University of Intellectual Property and the Vladimir Suzdal Museum . Topics of his research are the architectural history of old Russian buildings made of white stone, the early architecture of Moscow and architectural connections between ancient Russia and Romanesque-Gothic Europe. He wrote his doctoral thesis on north-east Russian architecture from the end of the 13th to the first third of the 14th century .

Sagrajewski was editor-in-chief of the reference book United Artists Rating . He has authored several books on philosophy, theology, the history of architecture and stories for children and numerous articles on art criticism. He is the founder and curator of "RusArch" - the electronic scientific library on the history of Old Russian architecture. In 1992 he became a doctor of technology and in 2005 a professor; he completed his habilitation in architecture in 2004 and has been a full member of the Russian Academy of Art Critics since 2001 . He was a member of the International Association of Art Critics (AICA) since 2004 and of the Writers' Association of Russia since 2001 . In 2009 he received the Award of Honored Cultural Worker of the Russian Federation .


History of architecture (monographs)

  • Jury Dolgoruky and ancient Russian white stone architecture (Russian: Юрий Долгорукий и древнерусское белокаменное зодчество. М., 2001.) ISBN 5-94025-014-9 .
  • Architecture of North-Eastern Russia at the end of XIII – early XIV c. (Russian: Зодчество Северо-Восточной Руси конца XIII-первой трети XIV века. M., 2003.) ISBN 5-94025-046-7 .
  • Early Post-Mongolian North-Eastern Russian architecture. (Russian: О раннем послемонгольском зодчестве Северо-Восточной Руси. М., 2002.) ISBN 5-94025-032-7 .
  • New researches of Vladimir-Suzdal museum's architectural monuments (Russian:. Новые исследования памятников архитектуры Владимиро-Суздальского музея-заповедника М., 2008.) ISBN 5-94025-099-8 .
  • New research into the architectural monuments of Alexandrov Sloboda (Russian: Новые исследования памятников архитектуры Александровской слободы. М., 2008.) ISBN 5-94025-095-5 .
  • Architectural history of Trifon in Naprudnoye Church and the origin of the cross-like ceiling. (Russian: Архитектурная история церкви Трифона в Напрудном и происхождение крещатого свода. M., 2008.) ISBN 5-94025-092-0 .
  • Georgievsky Cathedral in Juriev-Polsky. Questions of architectural history and reconstruction (Russian: Вопросы архитектурной истории и реконструкции Георгиевского собора в Юрьеве -Польском M., 2008..) ISBN 5-94025-097-1 .
  • Savior Cathedral in Andronikov Cloister. Questions of architectural history and reconstruction (Russian: Вопросы архитектурной истории собора Спаса Нерукотворного Андроникова монастыря. M., 200825.) ISBN 5-940-094-7 .
  • Forms of the domes of ancient Russian temples (Формы глав (купольных покрытий) древнерусских храмов. М., 2008.) ISBN 5-94025-096-3 .


  • Twelve months. Book for children (Russian: Двенадцать месяцев (книга для детей). М., 1998.) ISBN 978-5-87695005-5 .
  • My XX century. Memoirs (Russian: Мой ХХ век (мемуары). М., 2001.) ISBN 978-5-94025009-8 .
  • Ivanushka in the Land of tales (Russian: Иванушка в стране сказок (трилогия). М., 2005.) ISBN 978-5-94025069-2 .

Web links

Commons : Sergey Zagraevsky  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. "Умер художник и писатель Сергей Заграевский" (in Russian) on from July 6, 2020
  2. Library "Rusarch" (in Russian)
  3. About Sergey Zagraevsky on Russian AICA section website (in Russian)
  4. About Sergei Sagrajewski in Russian AICA section of the website (in Russian)
  5. Sergei Sagrajewski's biography on the website of the Moscow Organization of the Union of Writers of Russia (in Russian)
  6. High awards in Russia ( Memento from July 16, 2011 in the Internet Archive )