Seriatopora hystrix

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Seriatopora hystrix
Seriatopora hystrix in an aquarium

Seriatopora hystrix in an aquarium

Class : Flower animals (anthozoa)
Subclass : Hexacorallia
Order : Hard corals (Scleractinia)
Family : Pocilloporidae
Genre : Seriatopora
Type : Seriatopora hystrix
Scientific name
Seriatopora hystrix
Dana , 1846

Seriatopora hystrix is a hard coral (Scleractinia). It is known in German as a crown of thorns coral , Christ thorn coral or prickly bush coral .


It occurs in the coral reefs of the Red Sea and the Indo-Pacific from the coast of East Africa to Samoa , the Ryūkyū Islands , the Phoenix Islands and south to Lord Howe Island .


The coral forms small and medium-sized colonies, which form filigree, fragile, densely branched, pointed branches at the end. It branches at an angle of 30 to 40 °. The polyps are arranged in rows, hence the generic name Seriatopora . Usually it is white-yellow, light brown or pink in color. The latter color form is very popular with marine aquarists.


Seriatopora hystrix reproduces sexually by spawning in the open water. Asexual reproduction through expectoration of polyps has also been observed. In the aquarium, offshoots can easily be obtained by cutting off a branch.


  • SA Fosså, & AJ Nilsen: Coral reef aquarium . Volume 4, Birgit Schmettkamp Verlag, Bornheim, 1995, ISBN 3-928819-05-4 .
  • Julian Sprung: Korallen , Dähne Verlag, 2000, ISBN 3-921684-87-0

Web links

Commons : Seriatopora hystrix  - collection of images, videos and audio files