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Geographical location of Sesheke

Sesheke is a small town on the Zambezi in the western province of Zambia . The city has a border crossing to Namibia over the Katima-Mulilo bridge to Katima Mulilo . Sesheke has 21,796 inhabitants (2006 estimate) and is 800 meters above sea level. It is the seat of the administration of the district of the same name with 78,169 inhabitants (2000 census).

Sesheke is an administrative town 205 kilometers west of Livingstone with a long tradition as the chief town of the wider region as far as Botswana . The road between the two places, part of the Trans Caprivi Highway , was re-paved in 2005 and continues to Mongu . This region is called the "Kalahari Sand Wetlands". The arid surrounding area is notorious for its sand, which on the other side of the Zambezi merges completely into the Kalahari and the Namib . On the other hand, there are fertile floodplains on the banks of the Zambezi.

Agriculture is dominated by maize cultivation, which is slowly changing towards millet and rice, which are more drought and flood-resistant. Cattle breeding is widespread, the herds of cattle number 109,000 animals (2005). There are dry forests with Mavunda forests, also called Cryptosepalum forests, which merge with more rain to the north in Mukusi forests ( Baikiaea or Sambezi Teak ). There is wood processing.

There was an unpaved, 1,000-meter-long runway, a hospital, and elementary and secondary schools, the latter with boarding schools .

Coordinates: 17 ° 29 ′  S , 24 ° 18 ′  E