Katima Mulilo

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City & constituency
Katima Mulilo
Coat of arms of Namibia.svg
Coat of arms Katima Mulilo.gif
Shopping center in Katima Mulilo
Shopping center in Katima Mulilo
motto Unity is Power
(unit power)
Basic data
Population Density
28,362 ( 2011 census )

Katima Mulilo city
Establishment date 1911
1992 as a city
License plate
phone code
Website www.kmtc.org.na
Map Katima Mulilo in Namibia

Katima Mulilo ( SiLozi for extinguishing the fire ) is a city, constituency ( Katima Mulilo Stadt , English Katima Mulilo Urban ) and capital of the Zambezi region (formerly Caprivi ) in the extreme northeast of Namibia . The city is located on the south bank of the Zambezi River , here the border river to Sesheke , Zambia, on the north side of the river . Katima Mulilo has 28,362 inhabitants.


As a result of the Heligoland-Sansibar Treaty , the Caprivi Strip became part of what was then German Southwest Africa on July 1, 1890, and thus the most distant part of present-day Namibia from the capital Windhoek . Katima Mulilo was founded in 1911 and took over the administrative headquarters for the Caprivi in ​​1935, as it was higher than the Luhonono (formerly Schuckmannsburg ) founded in 1909 and not so exposed to the seasonal floods of the Zambezi. Due to the impassable marshland between Okavango and Cuando , the Caprivi Strip could not be crossed by land until the 1940s and so Katima Mulilo, 1,230 km away from Windhoek, could only be reached via the Bechuanaland or Northern Rhodesia . Although the Caprivi Strip was already better connected to the land by a gravel road to Rundu at the time of Namibia's independence , weather conditions, involvement in the civil war in Angola (1975 to 2002) and independence struggles in Caprivi only made the Eastern Caprivi into the 21st century achievable with effort.

This has changed the long term since the beginning of the 21st century: Angola is pacified and the weather-related difficulties were the construction of the Trans-Caprivi Highway ( Trans Caprivi Highway ), one of Walvis Bay through the Caprivi and Zambia to the Democratic Republic of the Congo further asphalt trunk road to be cleared. The keystone of this mammoth project, which was largely financed by Germany and the EU, was the opening of the Katima-Mulilo Bridge in 2004 with a border crossing to Sesheke in Zambia, on the other side of the river .

Katima Mulilo has the airport Katima Mulilo (Mpacha) with scheduled flights.

Todays situation

The Zambezi at Katima Mulilo

The appearance of Katima Mulilo is in many ways more "African" than other places in Namibia, where you can still feel the influence of the German colonial era . The city has a modern infrastructure such as schools, hospitals, supermarkets and petrol stations. Wild elephants live in the vicinity of Katima Mulilo, and the regular floods of the Zambezi mean that in addition to the resulting destruction, crocodiles also reach the city limits.

Katima Mulilo is also located in a relatively restless environment, as the colonial borders to Botswana, Zambia and Zimbabwe were drawn without regard to settlement areas and the needs of the tribes living there. This repeatedly resulted in border disputes or even armed conflicts, most recently in 1999 in Katima Mulilo by a secession movement that connected the Zambezi region to Botswana , but was also supported by Angola and Zambia.

In the meantime, however, the situation has calmed down and the Zambezi region is experiencing an economic upswing, which is being largely supported by increasing tourism. Katima Mulilo also plays a part in this and is particularly benefiting from the decline in tourism on the Zimbabwean side, as many groups of visitors to the nearby Victoria Falls prefer the crime-free accommodations on the Namibian side.

Local politics

The following official final result was determined in the 2015 local elections .

Political party be right Share of votes Seats
SWAPO 1875 83.8% 6th
DTA 0163 07.3% 1
RDP 082 03.7% 0
Katima Alliance Development Association 052 02.3% 0
APP 033 01.5% 0
NDP 033 01.5% 0
All in all 2238 100% 7th

Educational institutions

Elementary schools

  • Caprivi Senior Primary School
  • Gunkwe Primary School
  • Isuswa Primary School
  • Ivilivinzi Primary School
  • Katima Mulilo Primary School
  • Mulumba Primary School ( RKK Namibia )
  • Sachinga Primary School
  • Samudono Primary School
  • Sifuha Primary School

Further training

  • Caprivi Senior Secondary School
  • Ikaba Secondary School
  • Imukusi Junior Secondary School
  • Kaliangile Junior Secondary School
  • Kasika Junior Secondary School
  • St. Kizito College ( RKK Namibia )
  • Lusu Junior Secondary School
  • Mutikitila Junior Secondary School
  • Muzii Junior Secondary School
  • Nakabolelwa Secondary School
  • Namiyundu Junior Secondary School
  • Kankuntwe Junior Secondary School
  • Sacona Junior Secondary School
  • Sanjo Senior Secondary School
  • Sauzuo Junior Secondary School
  • Sesheke Junior Secondary School
  • Sikosinyana Secondary School
  • Sikubi Junior Secondary School
  • Silumbi Junior Secondary School
  • Simataa Secondary School
  • Singalamwe Junior Secondary School

Further educational institutions

Town twinning

NamibiaNamibia Otjiwarongo
NamibiaNamibia Windhoek , since August 23, 2017

Web links

Commons : Katima Mulilo  - collection of images, videos and audio files
Wiktionary: Katima Mulilo  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

Coordinates: 17 ° 30 ′  S , 24 ° 17 ′  E