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Setesdal (Byglandsfjord)

Setesdal (also: Setesdalen ) is the name of a valley in the Norwegian province of Agder . The Otra River flows through the valley from north to south . The Riksvei 9 ( Kristiansand - Haukeligrend ) forms the main road through the valley.

The name Setesdal was originally only used for the two northernmost municipalities in the province ( Bykle and Valle ). The more southern parts were called Otrudal . The border shifted south to the Byglandsfjord . The names Øvre- and Nedre Setesdal ( Upper and Lower Setesdal ) were also used. Today the Setesdal district comprises the four municipalities of Valle, Bykle, Bygland and Evje og Hornnes , with 6,530 inhabitants (April 1, 2009) and 4,595 km². The center of the region is Evje .

Through the Setesdal, along the Otra River, the route of the now largely disused or re-tracked Setesdal Railway led . The 78 km long narrow-gauge line ran from Kristiansand to the Byglandsfjord and was put into operation in two sections in 1895 and 1896. Today a museum railway runs on the eight-kilometer section between the Grovane and Røyknes stations . The section from Kristiansand to Grovane was re-gauged in 1938, the remainder closed in 1962.

Web links

Commons : Setesdal  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Population figures (Norwegian) , accessed July 11, 2009
  2. map ( memento of the original dated February 29, 2008 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. Page of the Vestagder Museum on the Setesdal Railway (Norwegian), accessed June 23, 2020