Setiu (Asia)

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Setiu (Asia) in hieroglyphics
s t F29 G1 T14 A1 B1

Palestine and Sinai Peninsula region

Setiu is the ancient Egyptian name of the people living in the desert and the edge of the desert. In addition to the Nubian Setiu , this term was also applied to the inhabitants of the Retjenus areas and the Sinai Peninsula , region of the so-called Setjet countries.

The Asian Setiu are to be distinguished from the sand Beduins , the Sesepeni , as they did not live exclusively in the desert areas. In addition, although they were part of the Aamu tribes , they did not inhabit the mountainous regions.

In the history of Sinuhe , the Asian Setiu are described as dangerous and armed group formations that fought against the cities of the mountainous regions. They were considered good archers .

See also


  • Rainer Hannig: Large Concise Dictionary Egyptian-German: (2800-950 BC) . von Zabern, Mainz 2006, ISBN 3-8053-1771-9 , p. 844
  • Roland Koch: The story of Sinuhe (series of publications: Bibliotheca Aegyptiaca , No. 17) . Édition de la Fondation Égyptologique, Bruxelles 1990