Severus of Trier

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Severus von Trier had been Bishop of Trier from around 445/446 .


He was in close contact with Germanus von Auxerre and Lupus von Troyes (* around 383, † around 478). Severus was probably one of Lupus' students in the 430s.

His assumption of office is concluded from the end of the term of office of Leontius von Trier . He accompanied Germanus on his second trip to Britain to fight Pelagianism . This trip is usually scheduled for the years 446/447.

He also among those in the great Germania living Germanic tribes such as the Rhine Franks and Alemanni missionary. Earlier attempts to extend the church's influence to the region of the lower Moselle and the Middle Rhine were thus continued.

A later tradition reports that he was the first to receive a papal privilege for the Trier church.


Severus is already mentioned in the late antique Vita of Germanus of Auxerre, written around 480 by Constantine of Lyon. Furthermore, it also appears in the Vita des Lupus von Troyes and the Church history of Beda Venerabilis . This has brought together the previously separate reports on the trip to Britain and the German mission. In research, Wilhelm Levison has shown himself to be skeptical about the identification of the Trier bishop with the Germanus companion. Other researchers like Eugen Ewig also took part in the scientific debate. The source value of the Vita des Lupus was also questioned, as it was sometimes not considered to be contemporary. For many authors, the doubts have now been dispelled. Hans Hubert Anton has again critically examined the sources and comes to the conclusion that the vita of Lupus must also be approximately contemporary. He also considers the trip to Britain plausible.


He is venerated in the Diocese of Trier on October 15th. The Bollandists also call March 16th.


  • Hans Hubert Anton: Studies on the social and ecclesiastical leadership class of Gaul: Germanus of Auxerre, Lupus of Troyes and the Trier bishops of the 5th century. In: Yearbook for West German State History, 19th year 1993 pp. 17–40 Digitized version (PDF; 1.6 MB)
  • Hans Hubert Anton: Trier in the early Middle Ages. Paderborn, Munich a. a., 1987 82f.
  • Friedrich Prinz: European foundations of German history (4th-8th centuries). In: Handbuch der deutschen Geschichte, 10th edition, Stuttgart, 2004 p. 399
  • Complete Lexicon of Saints, Volume 5. Augsburg 1882, p. 279. Digitized

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predecessor Office successor
Leontius Bishop of Trier