Phone sex

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Under Phone is meant to satisfy sexual desires of the conversation on the phone .


Similar to cybersex , here two partners who are not in direct physical contact exchange erotic fantasies over the phone.

Telephone sex is practiced in private for various reasons. Some examples:

  • The phone keeps the partners at a distance, making a personal bond less likely.
  • In the case of steady partners, a prolonged spatial separation can be the reason for phone sex. This expands the field of sexual activity - for example out of the necessity of not being able to get together physically.
  • Telephone sex can be practiced as a change from "normal" sex life. The medium offers the partners an additional stimulus and variety in the partnership.

When the telephone found its way into private living rooms in the 1920s, the problem of verbal intimacy in the event of physical distance was already being discussed in behavioral columns. For example, there were discussions about whether or not a decent girl should give her phone number and whether it was fair for a woman to talk to a man on the phone while she was in bed and not fully clothed. Nowadays, most western people no longer have problems with intimate conversations on the phone.


The need present in many people to express their sex drive verbally has been satisfying commercial phone sex providers for several years. As a rule, men are the paying customers who call via a chargeable number. The prices usually range between twelve cents per minute and the maximum rate allowed for telephone value-added services of just under two euros per minute, with most offers requiring the maximum rate. Women are mostly employees of a service provider or dial in via a free 0800 number. With many offers there are no real conversations. Instead, tapes play the corresponding erotic stories or monologues .

The television advertising that is now shown on German private channels after midnight is mostly very direct. The potential customer knows exactly what it is about even before the call: a young woman, an old woman, a (alleged) student, a (alleged) housewife, an orgy , gay sex or SM . With the so-called vanity numbers , the number itself indicates the offer to be expected. Most of the time, the conversation partner on the other end of the line asks for precise requirements, but also - especially in the area of perversions - mention personal limits. Instead of a one-on-one conversation, you can also join a group in order to be part of a phone sex orgy.

In court disputes, the question was often whether such phone sex conversations were immoral or not. The Stuttgart Higher Regional Court (April 21, 1999, 9 U 252/98) initially ruled against Deutsche Telekom , which wanted to sue for a fee claim for telephone sex calls against a subscriber. The reason given by the court was that Telekom was taking part in the commercial exploitation of an immoral business in an accusable manner. The German Federal Court of Justice has now left the question of whether phone sex contracts are immoral in its decision of November 22, 2001 (III ZR 5/01) and decided that customers could not invoke the possible immorality of phone sex, because the telephone network itself and the contract with the operator is neutral. A telephone customer had refused to pay, saying that her father had caused the high bill because he had done phone sex using expensive premium rate numbers. But the woman had to pay. The BGH argued that there is a contractual relationship between the customer and the network operator for value-added numbers. The network operator has no influence on which subscribers make contact by telephone for which purposes. He could not even control the content of the conversations.

In Austria the question of whether telephone sex was immoral was answered in the negative by the court. Playing prefabricated tape recordings with clear content is comparable to buying pornographic magazines or films and is therefore not immoral in the sense of prevailing opinion. Erotic real-time or live conversations with sexual content are also not immoral, because there is only acoustic, but no direct physical contact between the conversation partners. In addition, the women on the other end of the line are just feigning sexual acts and arousal, and this is not comparable to prostitution in the traditional sense.

In 2000 the service was used by around 30,000 callers a day.

Phone sex on the internet

With an internet connection that is becoming ever faster and cheaper, a new form of telephone eroticism has crystallized and established itself in a very short time. There are now countless phone sex sites on the Internet that not only offer conventional phone sex, but also webcam transmission in real time and prepaid credit.

Telephone sex in literature

In his novel Vox (1992), Nicholson Baker describes a telephone conversation between a man and a woman who do not know each other personally. They describe each other their erotic fantasies and come to orgasm .

Related topics

  • In the case of the Japanese Terekura , the anonymous telephone call is used to initiate prostitution.

Individual evidence

  1. Sibylle Fritsch / Axel Wolf: The difficult handling of pleasure. Looking for the right amount. In: Psychologie Heute , Heft 8, 2000, p. 26.
  2. Nicholson Baker: Vox , Rowohlt, 1992, ISBN 978-3-498-00560-3

Web links

Wiktionary: Telefonsex  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations