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Shōryaku ( Japanese 正 暦 , also Jōryaku or Shōreki) is a Japanese era ( Nengō ) from November 990 to March 995 according to the Gregorian calendar . The previous era name is Eiso , the following era is called Chōtoku . The era falls during the reign of the Emperor ( Tennō ) Ichijō .

The first day of the Shōryaku era corresponds to November 26, 990, the last day was March 24, 995. The Shōryaku era lasted six years or 1580 days.


  • 991 The former Tennō En'yū dies
  • 995 The Buddhist temple Kongōbu-ji burns down after a lightning strike

Individual evidence

  1. a b Reinhard Zöllner: Japanese calendar. A manual . iudicium, Munich 2003, ISBN 3-89129-783-1 , p. 29, 101 .
Shōryaku 1 2 3 4th 5 6th
greg. 990 991 992 993 994 995
Nengō :
Hereinafter :