Shai Goldstein

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Shai Goldstein ( Hebrew שי גולדשטיין; born on August 25, 1968 in Kirjat Jam ) is an Israeli radio host , television presenter , entertainer and satirist . He became known through various humor and satirical programs on radio and television, including the radio program So arzenu (he .: זוֹ אַרְצנו; dt .: This is our country ) and the radio program Shai we-Dror (he .: שי ודרור; dt. : Shai and Dror ) every morning on 103 FM.

Live and act


Goldstein grew up in Karmi'el . He did his military service as a quartermaster and for the radio station Galei Zahal . After military service, he moved to Eilat . He started his career at a private pirate station and then became a radio presenter at the regional radio station, Radio Kol ha-Jam ha-Adom (he .: רדיו קול הַיָּם הָאָדֹם; voice of the Red Sea ). He then started as a producer of trailers and jingles for Radio Tel Aviv .

Collaboration with Dror Rafael

In 1995 he met Dror Rafael at Radio Tel Aviv ha-Chadasch ( Radio Tel Aviv ), where he worked as a jingle producer and Rafael hosted a nightly dating format on radio and radio. Together, the two first ran a nightly program for satire and black humor as a pilot project . The project quickly became a great success, so that the satirical, nocturnal humor program Scherit ha-Jom (he .: שְׁאֵרִית הַיּוֹם) was created. After that, they moved on to a morning program that also got high ratings .

As a result, Rafael and Goldstein received an offer for a primetime program on Arutz 2 from Jochanan Zangen, the CEO of Reschet . The two of them broadcast the radio program So arzenu (he .: זוֹ אַרְצנו) twice a day . After So arzenu ran out, Rafael / Goldstein started a new program called Shai we-Dror on Bip and on Arutz 10 every morning on 103 FM.

In June 2003, the journalist Mati Golan (he .: מתי גולן; born December 6, 1936) interviewed a mother in his program Dokumedia, Bikoret ha-Tikschoret (he .: דוקומדיה, בִּקֹּרֶת התִּקְשֹׁרֶת) who was involved in the loss of her seven-year-old daughter mourned a terrorist attack. The mother complained about some passages from the Shai we-Dror program , broadcast a few days earlier on Arutz 10 , which she found offensive. Golan called Shai Goldstein during the broadcast and asked him to comment on the mother's allegations. Goldstein slammed down the phone in response. Then Goldstein / Dror began what the court later described as “a crusade of vengeance and reckoning” (“Massa Zalew schel nakam we-hitchaschbenut”; he .: “מַסָּע צָלַב שֶׁל נָקָם והִתְחַשְׁבְּנוּת”) against Mati Golan. Goldstein and Rafael criticized Mati Golan in eight consecutive programs. Golan sued her for defamation . The court ordered Dror / Goldstein to pay 60,000 shekels to the Golan . The Shai we Dror program was then discontinued after a short time.

Rafael and Goldstein then returned to Radio Tel-Aviv and now offered the evening program instead of the morning program. The restarted program achieved ratings as high as they were very unusual for television and radio in Israel. Her program was broadcast on Radio Tel-Aviv in the afternoon and late evening, as well as on Bip on television. The duo left Radio Tel-Aviv on July 1, 2007 to work for Radio Lelo Hafsaka (non-stop radio) from September 2, 2007 . Since June 6, 2008, Rafael has been doing the game show Ha Rosch be-kir (he .: הָרֹאשׁ בְּקִיר) on the TV channel Arutz 10 together with Goldstein .

Further engagements

Goldstein was also responsible for Ha-Jaffot we-ha-amizot (he .: היָפוֹת והאַמִּיצוֹת), a program by the two Israeli journalists, television and radio presenters and satirists Michal Niw (1965-2000) and Ejinaw Galili (born April 21 1969). In 2000 he did the satirical part in Merav Michaeli's interview program , which was broadcast every evening on Arutz 3.

In 2006 he played the role of Lior in Shurot Towot (he .: שׁוּרות טובות), an Israeli TV tragicomedy. He hosted Mo'adon laila (he .: מוֹעֲדוֹן לַיְלָה), an Israeli talk show by Eres Tal (born July 27, 1961). In 2007 he starred in Ulai ha-Pa'am (he .: אוּלַי הפַּעַם), an Israeli TV comedy. In 2008 he appeared in Lo lifneji ha-Jeladim (he .: לֹא לִפְנֵי היְלָדִים) on Arutz 10.

In 2010 he appeared as the protagonist in Chamesch essre dakot (he .: חֲמֵשׁ עֶשְׂרֵה דָקוֹת), a comical-satirical drama series on Yes TV Shows Channels . Together with Awi Nussbaum (born December 12, 1980) he moderated the game show Nira otcha (he .: נִרְאָה אותך) on Arutz 2.

In 2013 he played the role of Shraga haShemen in the second season of the series by Chasamba Dor 3 (he .: חסמבה דור 3) on Hot .

Today he is the moderator of the Arba chatunot (he .: אַרְבַּע חֲתֻנוֹת) program on Arutz 2. He also plays in the Atlantika (he .: אטלנטיקה) program on Hot.


He is married with a son and now lives in Kochaw Ja'ir-Zur Jigal. Since 2013 he has been a vegetarian and privately active in animal welfare .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Haaretz, May 17, 2007: שי גולדשטיין ודרור רפאל חויבו לשלם למתי גולן 60 אלף שקל בגין לשון הרע German translation: Shai Goldstein and Dror Rafael were sentenced to pay 60,000 shekels to : ית to: : השניים פתחו במסע הכפשות מתוך מניע של נקם; חויבו לפרסם התנצלות במקום ובנוסח שיציע גולן
  2. English translation and proof of the Latin transcription הָרֹאשׁ בְּקִיר on
  3. חדשות בעלי חיים August 2013. Retrieved October 20, 2015.