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height 6303  m (or 6400  m or 6550  m )
location Gilgit-Baltistan ( Pakistan )
Mountains Hispar Muztagh ( Karakoram )
Coordinates 36 ° 22 '10 "  N , 75 ° 16' 28"  E Coordinates: 36 ° 22 '10 "  N , 75 ° 16' 28"  E
Shimshal-Weisshorn (Karakoram)
First ascent August 16, 1986 by British expedition

The Shimshal-Weisshorn ( English Shimshal Whitehorn or Shimshal Whitehorn ; other names: Ishpardin , Adver Sar and Odver Sar ) is a mountain in the Karakoram in Pakistan's special territory Gilgit-Baltistan .


The Shimshal-Weisshorn has the shape of a snow pyramid. The mountain rises on the east side of the Malangutti Glacier in the Hispar Muztagh mountain range . It is located 9 km northeast of Distaghil Sar . The Shimshal-Weisshorn has a height of 6303  m (according to other sources 6400  m or 6550  m ).

Ascent history

On August 16, 1986, a British expedition (Paul Allison, Chris Clark, John Burslem, Paul Metcalfe and Dave Robbins) made the first ascent over the north-west ridge.

An international expedition climbed the mountain on July 19, 1999, but did not reach the highest peak.

The summit was first climbed on July 22, 2006 by a German expedition (Alexandra and Mattias Robl and Markus Tannheimer).

There have been numerous ascent attempts with fatal results.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Paul Allison and Lindsay Griffin: Asia, Pakistan, Karakoram, Hispar Muztagh, Shimshal White Horn, History . American Alpine Journal, 2007, vol. 49.
  2. ^ A b Lindsay Griffin: Asia, Pakistan, Karakoram, Hispar Muztagh, Shimshal White Horn, Second Complete Ascent . American Alpine Journal, 2007, vol. 49.