Shokotsu line

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Shokotsu line
Route length: 34.3 km
Gauge : 1067 mm ( cape track )
Maximum slope : 10 
Minimum radius : 300 m
Dual track : No
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0.0 Shokotsu ( 渚 滑 ) 1921-1989
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Nayoro main line 1921-1989
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3.3 Motonishi ( 元 西 ) 1956-1985
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4.7 Shimo-Shokotsu ( 下 渚 滑 ) 1923-1985
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6.8 Jūrokugō-sen ( 十六 号 線 ) 1955-1985
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9.5 Naka-Shokotsu ( 中 渚 滑 ) 1923-1985
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12.9 Jōtō ( 上 東 ) 1955-1985
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16.8 Kami-Shokotsu ( 上 渚 滑 ) 1923-1985
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19.8 Okutō ( 奥 東 ) 1955-1985
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24.8 Takinoshita ( 滝 ノ 下 ) 1923-1985
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28.3 Yūchinnai ( 雄 鎮内 ) 1955-1985
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→ Shokotsu Forest Railway (Oshiraneppu Line)
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31.0 Nigorikawa ( 濁 川 ) 1924-1985
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→ Shokotsu Forest Railway (main line)
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34.3 Kitami Takinoue ( 北 見 滝 ノ 上 ) 1923-1985

The Shokotsu Line ( Japanese 渚 滑 線 , Shokotsu-sen ) was a railway line in the northeast of the Japanese island of Hokkaidō . It was in operation from 1923 to 1985 and opened up the Shokotsu Valley on the east side of the Kitami Mountains .


When Shokotsu line there was a 34.3 km long branch line that the station Shokotsu from the Main Line Nayoro branched off. It was Cape gauge , single-track and not electrified. The route began on the northwestern outskirts of Mombetsu and ran through the Shokotsu Valley; first in a southerly direction to Okutō, then westwards to the terminus Kitami-Takinoue . Twelve train stations and stops on demand were developed. In Nigorikawa station there was a connection to the Shokotsu forest railway .


The Ministry of Railways opened the Shokotsu Line on November 5, 1923 along its entire length. On the one hand, it was intended to open up the barely populated valley and, on the other hand, to promote forestry development . It was initially planned to continue the route from Kitami-Takinoue southwards past Mount Teshio-dake to Kamikawa on the Sekihoku main line , but this project was not pursued. The Japanese State Railways , which was responsible from 1949, stopped the unprofitable freight traffic on December 1, 1978. On April 1, 1985, the Shokotsu line was shut down and replaced by a bus line from the Hokumon Bus company .

The former Kami-Shokotsu station has housed a small museum since 1998, reminiscent of the Shokotsu line. There a short part of the route can be traveled by railroad trolleys .

List of train stations

Surname km Connecting lines location place
Shokotsu ( 渚 滑 ) 00.0 Nayoro Main Line (closed) Coord. Mombetsu
Motonishi ( 元 西 ) 03.3 Coord.
Shimo-Shokotsu ( 下 渚 滑 ) 04.7 Coord.
Jūrokugō-sen ( 十六 号 線 ) 06.8 Coord.
Naka-Shokotsu ( 中 渚 滑 ) 09.5 Coord.
Jōtō ( 上 東 ) 12.9 Coord.
Kami-Shokotsu ( 上 渚 滑 ) 16.8 Coord.
Okutō ( 奥 東 ) 19.8 Coord.
Takinoshita ( 滝 ノ 下 ) 24.8 Coord. Takinoue
Yūchinnai ( 雄 鎮内 ) 28.3 Coord.
Nigorikawa ( 濁 川 ) 31.0 Coord.
Kitami Takinoue ( 北 見 滝 ノ 上 ) 34.3 Coord.

Individual evidence

  1. Hiroshi Yokohira: 旧 国 鉄 ・ 渚 滑 線 の 形成 過程 と 路線 効果 . In: Japanese Engineering Society (ed.): 土木 史 研究 . tape 21 . Shinjuku 2001, p. 175–179 , doi : 10.2208 / journalhs1990.21.175 (Japanese).
  2. 駅 舎 を カ メ ラ に お さ め る 鉄 道 マ ニ ア た ち 渚 滑 線. Hokkaidō Shimbun, March 29, 1985.
  3. Atsushi Shirakawa: 全国 保存 鉄 道 III 東 日本 編 . JTB Publishing, Tokyo 1998, ISBN 978-4-533-03096-3 , pp. 55 .