Siegfried Haussühl

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Georg Siegfried Haussühl (born November 25, 1927 in Gunzenhausen ; † January 7, 2014 ) was a German mineralogist and crystallographer . His research areas in crystallography were crystal physics and crystal growing .


Haussühl's school days in Nagold were interrupted from autumn 1943 by being drafted as an anti-aircraft helper and into the army and then by American captivity (until autumn 1946), so that he was only able to take the final exams in spring 1948.

In autumn 1948 he began to study chemistry in Tübingen , but then switched to physics, and finished his studies in 1953 with a diploma thesis under the physicist Walter Kossel ( electron interference on thin MoS , CdI and PbI single crystals in a convergent bundle ).

Already during his diploma, through contact with the mineralogist and crystallographer Kurt Spangenberg Haussühl developed an interest in crystal growth and the elastic properties of crystals, so that this became the subject of his doctoral thesis in Tübingen in 1956 ( The elastic properties of alkali halides of the rock salt type ). After completing his doctoral thesis, Haussühl became a scientific assistant at the Mineralogical Institute of the University of Tübingen and completed his habilitation in 1960 in the subject of mineralogy ( structure and properties of alums ). From 1962 to 1964 he was a scientific adviser in crystallography. From April 1964 Haussühl was Associate Professor for Crystallography at the University of Freiburg , from April 1966 Full Professor and Director of the Crystallographic Institute, but in August 1966 he accepted the call to the newly established Chair for Crystallography at the University of Cologne , which then also After his retirement in 1993, he became his academic place of activity for a total of forty years. Haussühl died in early 2014 at the age of 86.


Haussühl recognized early on that elastic properties play a key role in the relationship between the structure and properties of a fabric. Because the availability of large single crystals (more than 1 cm³ volume) is the most important prerequisite for the investigation of crystal properties, Haussühl grew thousands of crystal samples, mostly from aqueous solution, in the quality dictated by the requirements of crystal physics. As a reliable everyday method for measuring elastic constants, Haussühl developed the improved Schaefer-Bergmann method of diffraction of light waves from standing ultrasound waves, which he later developed into the general plate resonance method. Haussühl determined the complete set of elastic constants of 388 different single crystals, at least at room temperature - that is the most extensive contribution of its kind ever made by a single scientist. What was striking about S. Haussühl's working style was his extraordinary experimental skills in crystal growth and preparation, even in his early years, although he worked mathematically and theoretically on crystal physics from an early age. Milestones in his work

  • the elucidation of the deviations from the Cauchy relations ,
  • the first determination of the complete set of 21 elastic constants of a triclinic crystal and
  • the establishment of the quasi-additive rule of the elastic S-factor.

Organizational work

As early as the 1960s, Haussühl was looking for ways to found a German crystallographic society, but did not find enough supporters. Therefore, together with colleagues from universities and industry, he initiated the foundation of the German Society for Crystal Growth and Crystal Growth (DGKK) in 1970 , of which he became the first chairman.

From 1977 to 1988 S. Haussühl was editor of the Zeitschrift für Kristallographie .



  • L. Bohaty: Obituary for Siegfried Haussühl . In: DGKK-Mitteilungsblatt , No. 98, 2014, pp. 13–15.
  • J. Schreuer: Special Issue: Crystal Physics in Germany - The lifework of Siegfried Haussühl . In: Currently for Kristallogr. tape 230 , no. 11 , 2015, p. 629-631 , doi : 10.1515 / zkri-2015-5003 .


  • Crystal geometry . Verlag Chemie, Weinheim 1977.
  • Crystal structure determination . Physik-Verlag, Weinheim 1979.
  • Crystal physics . Physik-Verlag, Weinheim 1983.
  • Physical Properties of Crystals: An Introduction , Wiley-VCH 2007.

Individual evidence

  1. K. Spangenberg and S. Haussühl: The elastic constants of the alkali halides of the rock salt type . In: Zt. For crystallography . tape 109 , no. 6 , 1957, pp. 422–437 , doi : 10.1524 / zkri.1957.109.16.422 .
  2. Wolf von Engelhardt and Helmut Hölder: Mineralogy, Geology and Paleontology at the University of Tübingen, Mohr 1977, p. 54, as well as Kürschner's Scholar Calendar.
  3. S. Haussühl: The growth of large single crystals, Neues Jb. F. Mineral. - Abh., Vol. 101, 1964, pp. 343-366.
  4. S. Haussühl: To measure elastic constants of crystals from the natural frequencies of thick plates or with the help of the Schäfer-Bergmann method . In: Naturwiss. tape 43 , no. 17 , 1956, pp. 394-395 , doi : 10.1007 / BF00594007 .
  5. S. Haussühl: The deviations from the Cauchy relations . In: Phys. condens. Matter . tape 6 , no. 3 , 1967, p. 181-192 , doi : 10.1007 / BF02422715 .
  6. S. Haussühl and H. Siegert: Determination of the elasticity tensor of triclinic crystals: Example CuSO_4 * 5H_20 . In: Zt. For crystallography . tape 129 , no. 1-6 , 1969, pp. 142-146 , doi : 10.1524 / zkri.1969.129.16.142 .
  7. S. Haussühl: Interpretation of elastic properties of ionic crystals - validity of a quasi-additively rule? In: Zt. For crystallography . tape 205 , no. 2 , 1993, p. 215 , doi : 10.1524 / zkri.1993.205.Part-2.215 .
  8. Heinz Schulz: Working Group for Crystallography: Emergence, Existence, Offense , Communications of the German Society for Crystallography (DGK), No. 44, 2014, pp. 46–57, especially p. 47 ( PDF file, 4.7 MB)
  9. P. Rudolph and H. Klapper: The AG Crystallization of the VfK in the GDR and the DGKK in the FRG - two parallel paths to unity , DGKK-Mitteilungsblatt, No. 100, 2015, pp. 12-18, s. a. P. 18–19 ( PDF file, 3.5 MB)