Sigismund Christoph Jester

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Sigismund Christoph Jester (born January 9, 1715 in Königsberg (Prussia) , † 1773 ) was a German legal scholar.


Sigismund Christoph Jester was born as the third child of the pastor at the Sackheimer church Erhard Christian and his wife Johanna Dorothea Ranger in Königsberg / East Prussia. After completing his legal studies at the Albertus University in Königsberg , he became court attorney at court in 1734, on September 7, 1735 with his inaugural dissertation "De exigu usu querelae inofficiosi testamenti in foro prutenico" (Königsberg, 1736) doctor of both rights and in 1739 an extraordinary doctorate Professor at his hometown university. In the same year he married Maria Charlotte, the eldest daughter of the professor of law and rector of the University Reinhold Friedrich von Sahme several times . In 1745 he was court advisor , in 1752 a full professor and criminal advisor at the court neck court, in 1756 dean of the law faculty. While his wife died on April 16, 1753, he passed away in 1773.

The later multiple rector of the Albertina and professor of law Wilhelm Bernhard Jester as well as the Royal Prussian forester and writer or librettist Friedrich Ernst Jester were nephews of the 2nd degree.


  • De tutelis naturalibus or Of natural tutors. Koenigsberg 1734.
  • De exiguo usu querelae inofficiosi testamenti in foro prutenico. Koenigsberg 1736.
  • De quaestione: Utrum ex testamento rupto debeantur legata. Koenigsberg 1747.
  • Utrum ex testamento rupto debcantur legata? Koenigsberg 1747.
  • Commentatio de Poena Bigamiae a Coniuge Malitiose Deserto Commissae ”or“ On the punishment of polygamy of a malicious one…. Koenigsberg 1752.
  • De compensatione circa rem commodatam instituenda. Koenigsberg 1752.
  • De eo, quod feudum vetus alienatione non semper novum fiat. Koenigsberg 1753.
  • Meditationes iuridicas De eo, quod est in poenis, quae brutis infliguntur, analogon. Koenigsberg 1755.
  • Observationes miscellae de Eo, quod justum est circa solemnia sacerdotum semisecularia. Koenigsberg 1755.
  • Sigismundus Christopherus Jester, VID et antecessor in Regia Academia, Königsberg 1756.
  • Singularia quaedam circa officium iudicis gedanensis. Koenigsberg 1765.


  • Johann August Ritter von Eisenhart:  Jester, Sigmund Christoph . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 13, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1881, p. 790 f.
  • Daniel Heinrich Arnoldt: Additions to his history of the Königsberg University. Königsberg 1756, pp. 49/279.
  • Christoph Weidlich: biographer. News from the legal scholars now living in Germany. Halle 1783, p. 376 f.
  • Johann Georg Meusel: Lexicon of the German writers who died from 1750 to 1800. 6th volume, Leipzig 1806, p. 263.
  • Johann Heinrich Stepf: Gallery of all juridical authors from the oldest…. Leipzig, 1820-25 = IV (1825).