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The Sigel (more rarely the Sigle ), Pl. Sigel or Siglen , is the abbreviation of one or more words using a fixed character (abbreviation) or letters or letter-number combinations (abbreviations) .

Examples of seals are the paragraph symbol (§) or abbreviations such as “z. B. “for the words for example .

In shorthand , sigels are the abbreviations of the normal shorthand variants, sometimes in a common form or as a private expression.

In philology and textual criticism, sigels are used to refer to individual textual witnesses ( manuscripts , papyri, etc.) in a simple manner . Traditionally, these symbols are based on the place of delivery or the name of the owning collection ( e.g. B = Codex Bodleianus , M = Codex Medicaeus , P = Codex Palatinus ). At the end or at the beginning of the works, these abbreviations are broken down in a list of symbols. A well-known in German literary studies is z. B. "HA", which stands for the Hamburg edition of Goethe's works . When quoting , instead of the full name, the sigels are used, for example to cite individual chapters of the Bible : "Mt" stands for Matthew .

Sigels are also used in libraries . Such library sigla are used to identify libraries in abbreviated form so that they can be easily listed, especially in network catalogs and in interlibrary loan systems. At the international level, library sigils have been integrated into the ISIL system in accordance with ISO 15511 since 2003.

With the seal in the directory of available books of the German book trade , intermediary booksellers indicate that they have the relevant title in stock.

See also

Web links

Wiktionary: Sigel  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Entry " Sigel ",