Silver scab

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Silver scab
Silver scab on a potato

Silver scab on a potato

Class : Dothideomycetes
Subclass : Pleosporomycetidae
Order : Pleosporales
Family : Pleomassariaceae
Genre : Helminthosporium
Type : Silver scab
Scientific name
Helminthosporium solani
Durieu & Mont.

The Helminthosporium solani ( Helminthosporium solani ) is a fungal disease of the potato . The disease spreads mainly through infected tubers, but the fungus can survive in the soil for several months. The infection takes place primarily in the field, but it is also possible in the camp.

Symptoms and Biology

On varieties with red skin, light, silvery, easily recognizable spots form on which the spores later form. The symptoms are barely visible during harvest and only develop during storage when the temperature (from 5 ° C; optimally 20-25 ° C) and humidity are favorable. The detachment of the skin caused by the disease promotes dehydration and wilting of the bulbs.


  • Good storage conditions
  • Use healthy plant material
  • Pickle seedlings


  • Horst Börner: Plant diseases and plant protection. 7th edition, UTB 518, Verlag Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart.

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