Simon Doubleday

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Simon Richard Doubleday is an American medieval historian .


He grew up in Bath and attended Pembroke College in Cambridge . He received a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Cambridge in 1988 and a Ph.D. at Harvard University . Since 1998 he has taught a wide range of courses on the history of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance as a professor at Hofstra University . He currently lives in New York City and Santiago de Compostela . His main area of ​​research is medieval Spanish history.

Fonts (selection)

  • The Lara family. Crown and nobility in medieval Spain . Cambridge 2001, ISBN 0-674-00606-2 .
  • with David Coleman (ed.): In the light of medieval Spain. Islam, the West, and the relevance of the past . New York 2008, ISBN 3-9819182-1-5 .
  • with Celia Chazelle, Felice Lifshitz and Amy G. Remensnyder (eds.): In the light of medieval Spain. Islam, the West, and the relevance of the past . London 2012, ISBN 978-0-203-80386-8 .
  • The wise king. A Christian prince, Muslim Spain, and the birth of the Renaissance . New York 2015, ISBN 978-0-465-06699-5 .

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