Simone Bartzick

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Simone Bartzick (born October 8, 1984 in Landshut , Bavaria) is a German actress.


Simone Bartzick was born and raised in Landshut , Lower Bavaria . In 2008 she started her acting studies at the Athanor Academy in Burghausen , under the direction of David Esrig . After graduation and admission to the ZAV Munich, she engaged Michael Lerchenberg as a debutante for the Luisenburg Festival . The following year she won the festival's young talent award for her role as Sams in the children's play A Week Full of Saturdays . In 2013 she played the boy Mowgli in the musical The Jungle Book at the Trier Theater . Bartzick has been touring Bavaria and Austria since 2012 together with the freelance theater group Murder Night .

Roles (selection)

  • 2012 Maria / No place for idiots / Felix Mitterer / Luisenburg Festival
  • 2012 Jule / Varrecka Soits! / Daniela Haindl / Murderer's Night
  • 2013 Regine / Gespenster / Henrik Ibsen / Theater an der Rott
  • 2013 Sams / A week full of Saturdays / Paul Maar / Luisenburg Festival
  • 2013 Mowgli / The Jungle Book / Rudyard Kipling / Theater Trier
  • 2014 Jim Knopf / Jim Knopf and Lukas the engine driver / Michael Ende / Luisenburg Festival
  • 2014 Sparrow / Faith and Home / Karl Schönherr / Luisenburg Festival
  • 2014 Christine / Sacke Zement / Daniela Haindl / Murderer's Night
  • 2015 Hortula / Astutuli / Carl Orff / Carl Orff Festival
  • 2016 Cat Josef / Dog.Cat.Flea / Oliver Vilzmann / Kulturhaus Chiemgau
  • 2016 Sams / On Saturday the Sams came back / Paul Maar / Luisenburg Festival
  • 2016 Zenz / The Bartered Grandfather / Anton Hamik / Luisenburg Festival


2013 Young Talent Award of the Luisenburg Festival, Wunsiedel

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Homepage of the Luisenburg Festival ( memento from October 22, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) accessed on April 15, 2014
  2. Simone Bartzick Homepage, accessed on April 15, 2014
  3. ^ Homepage of the Luisenburg Festival ( memento from October 22, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) accessed on April 15, 2014
  4. Simone Bartzick. In: Retrieved October 3, 2016 .