Simone Cantarini

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Holy Family

Simone Cantarini (* 1612 in Pesaro ; † October 15, 1648 in Verona ), also called Il Pesarese , was an Italian painter .

Cantarini received his first artistic lessons from the painter Giovanni Giacomo Pandolfi in Verona . With his support, Cantarini later moved to Claudio Ridolfi's studio in Venice . When after a while the opportunity arose to become Guido Reni's student, Cantarini went to Bologna .

The collaboration between Cantarini and Reni was very problematic from the start due to Cantarini's overconfidence. After a short time the rupture occurred and Cantarini went to Rome . There he studied the masters of antiquity, but he also carefully studied the works of Raphael . Cantarini later returned to Bologna and settled there as an artist. From now on Cantarini created a large number of pictures, but ultimately could not find his own style; In his artistic work Cantarini always remained in the shadow of his teacher Reni.

The Duke of Mantua , Carlo I Gonzaga , called Cantarini to his court. Here, too, Cantarini's indifference and vanity soon ended his stay in Mantua. After a dispute as to whether a portrait of the duke was similar enough to this, Cantarini went to Verona, offended and misunderstood. There he fell into depression and died there at the age of about 36 on October 15, 1648. Contemporary rumors suggested suicide by poison; but this could neither be proven nor refuted.

Works (selection)

  • Adoration of the Magi , around 1645–48, canvas, 212 × 158 cm. Florence, Casa Arrigiani Salina.
  • Atalanta and Hippomenes , (oval), around 1640–42, canvas, 107 × 143 cm. Ferrara, Dell'Acqua Coll.
  • The boy John , around 1645, canvas, 45 × 56 cm. Rome, Borghese Gallery.
  • Healing of the Lame , around 1638–40, canvas, 308 × 265 cm. Fano (near Pesaro), S. Pietro in Valle.
  • The Holy Family , around 1640–45, canvas, 96 × 73 cm. Rome, Borghese Gallery.
  • The Holy Family , around 1640–45, canvas, 96 × 73 cm. Rome, Palazzo Venezia.
  • The Holy Family , canvas, 96 × 73 cm. Milan, Pinacoteca di Brera.
  • St. John d. E. , around 1640–42, canvas, 128 × 103 cm. Palermo, Gucci Boschi Vittorelli collection.
  • Saint Joseph , around 1640, canvas, 174 × 206 cm. Pesaro, Museo Civico.
  • Immaculata and Saints , around 1635–56, canvas, 244 × 140 cm. Bologna, Pinacoteca Nazionale.
  • Cain's fratricide , 1630–35, canvas, 152 × 115 cm
  • The Holy Family , in the Barbaziano Church
  • Lot with his daughters , in the church of Barbaziano
  • Saint Anthony , Church of Cagli
  • Saint Jacob , Church of Rimini
  • The Transfiguration , in the Pinacoteca di Brera ( Milan ).

Web links

Commons : Simone Cantarini  - collection of images, videos and audio files