Simone Ortega

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Simone Klein Ansaldy , also known as Simone Ortega (born May 29, 1919 in Barcelona , † July 2, 2008 in Madrid ) was the author of various cookbooks on Spanish cuisine . Her best-known work is 1.080 recetas de cocina (1080 cooking recipes), one of the best-selling books in Spain with 3.5 million copies.

She is from Alsace , France , which explains that her real family name was Klein. But she published her books under the family name of her husband, the publisher José Ortega Spottorno , who founded the Alianza Editorial publishing house in 1966 and the Grupo PRISA .

In 1987 Simone Ortega received the Premio Especial de Gastronomía . She managed to combine her literary work with teaching at a secondary school in Madrid. In the last phase of her life she worked for the radio and wrote in magazines such as ¡Hola! . She created her last books with her daughter Inés Ortega Klein , who continued her mother's career by also writing books on the art of cooking.


  • " 1,080 recetas de cocina " (1972). (1080 cooking recipes). Published in paperback.
  • " Nuevas recetas de cocina " (1984) (New recipes)
  • " Quesos españoles " (1987) (Spanish cheese)
  • " La cocina de Madrid " (1987) (The kitchen of Madrid)
  • " El libro de los potajes, las sopas, las cremas y los gazpachos " (1988) (The book of stews, soups, creams and cold soups)
  • " Las mejores recetas de Simone Ortega " (1990) (Simone Ortega's best recipes)
  • " El Libro de Los Platos de Cuchara " (2004). (The Book of Spoons). In collaboration with her daughter.


See also