Sobeknacht (senior asset manager)

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Sobeknacht in hieroglyphics
I3 n
x t

Sbk nḫt
Sobek may be strong
Official title

Upper asset manager
( jmj-r pr wr )

2. Official title

Asset Manager ( jmj-r pr )

Sobeknacht was a high ancient Egyptian civil servant with the official title of senior asset manager . He probably served under Amenemhet I.

Sobeknacht is known from a relief block from the area around the Amenemhet I pyramid in El Lisht , which comes from his grave. Some other blocks are assigned to the grave for stylistic reasons, but do not bear the name of Sobeknacht. The grave itself could not yet be located with certainty. There is also a statue from Sobeknacht, which was found in Thebes and which handed down the high rank of member of the elite, foremost of action, royal sealer and only friend . Since the chief asset manager Hor was in office in the last decade of Amenemhat I's reign, Sobeknacht is to be appointed before this.
