Social media manager

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A social media manager is responsible for the content and messages of an organization (usually a company) in the online social media in which the organization is represented. Accordingly, his work focuses on the social web and the individual media that make it up. As a contact person, he is in close contact with customers and business partners and comments on blog posts, status updates and forum entries.

The general activities of a social media manager include coordinating, controlling and monitoring company activities in social online media, in practice often summarized under the term social media relations , for example in social online networks such as Facebook and XING , blogging or Microblogging services such as Twitter and content services such as YouTube and Flickr .


An initial demarcation between (junior / senior) community and (junior / senior) social media manager and consultant based on the different fields of competence was published by the Federal Association of Community Management in July 2012. In June 2015, the association published a clear and detailed definition and delimitation of the job profile with the whitepaper “Social Media Manager Job Profile for Employees and Employers”. The profile represents a further development of the requirement profiles published in 2012 and was created by full-time social media and community managers, using empirical studies and with the help of HR experts.

The position of social media manager (f / m) plays a central role in the company's or organization's social media engagement. He is the central social media actor who strategically opens up new ways of communication for the company, coordinates all activities in social media and contributes to a digital culture through active change management. The focus of the social media manager is on creating an overarching, strategic framework for the social media engagement of the organization and on continuously developing it. The social media manager is the linchpin of social media engagement. He forms the interface in all areas involved, plans, coordinates, accompanies and reviews all measures that are necessary as part of the social media strategy.

The social media manager is responsible for seven major areas of responsibility: 1. Strategy 2. Change management 3. Monitoring / reporting 4. Interface function 5. Coordination of all social media activities 6. Quality assurance of content 7. Management of the community team Weighting the areas will change as the professionalization of social media engagement increases. At the beginning of an engagement, the topic of "coordinating social media activities" plays almost no role, while it later becomes the focus of the activity. From the employer's point of view, the conception and implementation of campaigns as well as the placing of sponsored posts belong to the further tasks.


The social media manager is very familiar with the functionality and specifics of social web services. He knows the advantages and disadvantages of individual social media offers and can weigh up and assess which online communication tools should be used or deliberately not used for the company's strategy. Ideally, the social media manager not only has a basic technical understanding of the online services in general, but also knows further technical details and restrictions of the individual platforms. In addition to these special skills, advanced knowledge of computers , the Internet and content management systems are required or at least very helpful.

See also


  • Nick Smith, Robert Wollan, Catherine Zhou: The Social Media Management Handbook. Everything You Need to Know to Get Social Media Working in Your Business. Accenture, New Jersey 2011. ISBN 978-0470651247 .
  • Felix Beilharz: Social Media Management. A manual for social media managers. businessvillage Verlag 2012. ISBN 978-3-86980-144-5 .
  • Nico Lumma, Stefan Rippler, Branko Woischwill: Professional goal social media. Springer Gabler Verlag 2013. ISBN 978-3-65801-245-8 .
  • Vivian Pein: Social Media Manager. The handbook for training and work. 4th updated edition. Rheinwerk, Bonn 2020, ISBN 978-3-8362-7384-8 (with index).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Grabs, Anne; Bannour, Karim-Patrick: "Follow Me! Successful Social Media Marketing with Facebook, Twitter and Co.", Galileo Press, Bonn 2011, ISBN 978-3-8362-1672-2 , p. 81
  2. Requirement profiles for social media job profiles - first draft definition of the BVCM . Website of the Federal Association of Community Management eV Accessed on July 23, 2012.
  3. [1] . Website of the Federal Association of Community Management eV Accessed on October 16, 2015.
  4. Vivian Pein: The Social Media Manager 2nd edition, Rheinwerk Verlag 2015, ISBN 978-3836236973 , pp. 42–45
  5. [2] . Website of the Federal Association of Community Management eV Accessed on October 16, 2015.
  6. Vivian Pein: The Social Media Manager 2nd edition, Rheinwerk Verlag 2015, ISBN 978-3836236973 , pp. 42–45
  7. [3] . Website of the Federal Association of Community Management eV Accessed on October 16, 2015.
  8. Vivian Pein: The Social Media Manager 2nd edition, Rheinwerk Verlag 2015, ISBN 978-3836236973 , pp. 42–45
  9. Study: What a social media manager must be able to do . In: Further education blog . June 28, 2017 ( [accessed July 6, 2017]).