Sohn-Rethel (painter family)

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Sohn-Rethel was a family of artists from Düsseldorf in the 19th and 20th centuries, whose painters came from the Düsseldorf School of Painting .

The progenitor of the son family was Karl Ferdinand Sohn , born in Berlin in 1805, in Düsseldorf since 1826, died in Cologne in 1867 while visiting a friend of the painters. He was a teacher in the Schadow era . In addition to his two sons Paul Eduard Richard Sohn and Karl Rudolf Sohn , his students also included his brother Heinrich's son, the painter Wilhelm Sohn . This Wilhelm married in 1861 with Emilie, the daughter of his uncle and teacher Karl Ferdinand's son. His cousins ​​Paul Eduard Richard and Karl Rudolf thus became his brothers-in-law. His cousin and brother-in-law Karl Rudolf, born in Düsseldorf in 1845, was also his student.

Karl Rudolf Sohn took Else Rethel as his wife in 1873 . Else, herself a painter and singer, was the only daughter of the painter Alfred Rethel and his wife Marie, the daughter of the miniature painter August Grahl from Dresden. In memory of her father, Else went on to use the name Sohn-Rethel .

This marriage of Karl Rudolf and Else gave birth to three sons and a daughter: Alfred , Otto , Karli , who were all well-known painters, and Mira Sohn-Rethel, who married Werner Heuser , a painter and later professor at the Düsseldorf Art Academy in 1907 .

Descendants with the surname Sohn-Rethel lived and still live in Great Britain .


  1. Karl Ferdinand Sohn (1805–1867), painter and professor at the Düsseldorf Art Academy ∞ Emilie Auguste Mülmann (1805–1884)
    1. Clara Emilie Sohn (* 1834) ∞ Albert Dietrich (1829–1908), composer and conductor
    2. Paul Eduard Richard Sohn (1834–1912), painter
    3. Emilie Sohn (1837–1885) ∞ Wilhelm Sohn (1829–1899), painter and professor at the Düsseldorf Art Academy
    4. Marie Sohn (1841–1893) ∞ Karl Heinrich Hoff the Elder (1838–1890), painter
      1. Karl Heinrich Hoff the Younger (1866–1904), painter
      2. Ernst Hoff (1872–1932), association official
    5. Karl Rudolf Sohn (1845–1908), painter and professor at the Düsseldorf Art Academy ∞ Else Rethel (1853–1933)
      1. Alfred Sohn-Rethel (1875–1958), painter ∞ Anna Julie Michels (1871–1951)
        1. Elisabeth (Lissi) Sohn – Rethel (1897–1993) ∞ Albert Steinrück (1872–1929), actor
        2. Alfred Karl Eduard Sohn-Rethel (1899–1990), national economist and social philosopher ∞ Tilla Henninger (1893–1945); ∞ Joan Margret Levi (1907–1980); ∞ Bettina Wassmann (* 1948)
          1. Martin Sohn-Rethel (1947–2016), film and media scholar
          2. Ann Sohn-Rethel (* 1949), ceramicist
        3. Hans-Joachim Sohn-Rethel (1905–1955), painter, actor and noise simulator
      2. Otto Sohn-Rethel (1877–1949), painter
      3. Karli Sohn-Rethel (1882–1966), painter
      4. Mira Sohn-Rethel (1884–1974) ∞ Werner Heuser , painter, professor and director of the Düsseldorf Art Academy
        1. Klaus Heuser (1909–1994), businessman
        2. Ursula Benser (1915–2001), painter ∞ Walther Benser (1912–2002), photographer and photo journalist


  • Hans Pleschinski: “I was happy whether it was raining or not.” Memoirs of Else Sohn-Rethel. CH Beck, Munich 2016, ISBN 978-3-406-69165-2 .

Web links

Commons : Sohn-Rethel family  - collection of images, videos and audio files