Solomo Sirillo

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Solomo Sirillo (* in the 15th century in Spain , † 1558 in Jerusalem ) was a Spanish rabbi and Talmud commentator .

After the expulsion of the Jews from Spain , Sirillo first moved to Adrianopolis and Thessaloniki . He later moved to Palestine and settled in Safed and then in Jerusalem . He was particularly prominent as a commentator on the Jerusalem Talmud . He completed a first version of the Commentary on Seraʿim and Sheqalim around 1530 . The manuscript is considered to be the oldest completely preserved commentary on the Jerusalem Talmud.


  • Hans-Jürgen Becker: The "Sirillo Manuscripts" of the Talmud Yerushalmi. In: Frankfurt Judaic Contributions. 16: 53-73 (1988)
  • Abraham David:  SIRILLO, SOLOMON BEN JOSEPH. In: Encyclopaedia Judaica . 2nd Edition. Volume 18, Detroit / New York a. a. 2007, ISBN 978-0-02-865946-6 , pp. 643-644 (English).

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Individual evidence

  1. Heshey Zelcer: A guide to the Jerusalem Talmud . Universal Publishers 2002, ISBN 1-58112-630-1