Sophus Fuglsang

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Peter Sophus Fuglsang (born December 16, 1854 in Öddis ; † May 15, 1931 in Alt-Hadersleben ) was a Danish malt manufacturer.

Live and act

Sophus Fuglsang was a son of Sören Christian Fuglsang and his wife Mathilde, née Borgen. He had a sister and four brothers:

Until the summer of 1871 Fuglsang attended a grammar school in Hadersleben, which he left in the Real-Seconda. He studied at a brewery school in Worms and joined his father's company at the age of 23. He replaced his eldest brother Conrad, who opened his own brewery in Mülheim, and was the only person in the company management who had specialist knowledge of brewing until his younger brother Christian joined in 1886.

Fuglsang took on responsibility early on, made decisions as an entrepreneur and proved to be a very capable entrepreneur. In 1879 the brewery got a malt house which quickly supplied other breweries in Schleswig-Holstein in addition to its own needs. In 1893 the Fuglsang brothers decided to split up the company. Sophus Fuglsang then managed the “Sophus Fuglsang Malzfabrik”, which he had already largely taken care of. The factory grew rapidly and exported on a large scale in the decades that followed. Customers included breweries from Holland, Sweden, Norway and Northern Germany. At the turn of the century, the malt factory was one of the largest companies in Hadersleben.

Fuglsang ran his factory in the style of a patriarch. When the construction workers wanted to set up a union in the 1890s, he showed little understanding and suffered from the fact that the employees mistrusted him. The entrepreneur concentrated entirely on the management and therefore, in contrast to his brother, rarely appeared in public. Like the latter, he was considered attached to his homeland and German-minded and joined the German Nationals. In October 1918 he represented Hadersleben's German groups and signed an appeal by the “German Committee for the Duchy of Schleswig” in Flensburg. The signatories called for the Danish language to be treated as culturally equal. At the same time they made it clear that the majority of people living in the Duchy of Schleswig would not voluntarily give up membership of the German Empire.

Fuglsang only volunteered for a short time for the German Committee in Hadersleben and the surrounding area. On his initiative, the high school teacher Heinrich Hinz got a job as head of an independent office. Here he organized the German election campaign before the referendum in Schleswig . Fuglsang accompanied the vote in a control commission consisting of five people, which monitored its course in the Hadersleben district.

The outcome of the vote and the loss of Northern Schleswig to Denmark were very disappointing for Fuglsang. The new borderline posed problems for his factory, which was now separated from its main sales market. Exports to other countries fell, and Danish breweries mostly supplied themselves with malt, so that Fuglsang could not sell anything here. He also had problems with the fluctuating exchange rate of the Danish krone and the restrictive Danish monetary policy. The entrepreneur compensated for the losses with new divisions. He traded in animal feed and seeds or exported brewing barley. In 1924 he took on his two sons as partners. His company only recovered economically in 1931 due to an adjustment of the Danish krone to the British pound.


  • In 1912 he received the Roten-Adlerodern 4th class
  • In 1930 Fuglsang was made an honorary member of the Hadersleben Citizens' Association and the cultural and social association of German citizens.
  • Fuglsang was a commercial councilor.


Fuglsang married Marie Magdalene Martha Krause on June 2, 1885 (born October 29, 1861 in Coswig ; † May 31, 1938 in Alt-Hadersleben). She was the daughter of Adolf Krause, a seminar music teacher in Tondern, and his wife Henriette Friederike, née Schmidt.

The Fuglsang couple had four daughters and two sons. The son Sören Conrad (1893–1986) worked as a brewery owner in Hadersleben. The daughter Ilse Fuglsang-Visconti (1895–1988) married the qualified engineer Guido Visconti and worked as a composer. The son Sophus Christian (1898–1985) worked as a malt manufacturer in Hadersleben.


  • Henrik Fangel: Fuglsang, Sophus . in: Biographical Lexicon for Schleswig-Holstein and Lübeck . Wachholtz, Neumünster 1982–2011. Vol. 9 - 1991. ISBN 3-529-02649-2 , pages 124-126.

Individual evidence

  1. Henrik Fangel: Fuglsang, Sophus . in: Biographical Lexicon for Schleswig-Holstein and Lübeck . Wachholtz, Neumünster 1982–2011. Vol. 9 - 1991. ISBN 3-529-02649-2 , page 124.
  2. Henrik Fangel: Fuglsang, Sophus . in: Biographical Lexicon for Schleswig-Holstein and Lübeck . Wachholtz, Neumünster 1982–2011. Vol. 9 - 1991. ISBN 3-529-02649-2 , page 124.
  3. Henrik Fangel: Fuglsang, Sophus . in: Biographical Lexicon for Schleswig-Holstein and Lübeck . Wachholtz, Neumünster 1982–2011. Vol. 9 - 1991. ISBN 3-529-02649-2 , pages 124-125.
  4. Henrik Fangel: Fuglsang, Sophus . in: Biographical Lexicon for Schleswig-Holstein and Lübeck . Wachholtz, Neumünster 1982–2011. Vol. 9 - 1991. ISBN 3-529-02649-2 , page 125.
  5. Henrik Fangel: Fuglsang, Sophus . in: Biographical Lexicon for Schleswig-Holstein and Lübeck . Wachholtz, Neumünster 1982–2011. Vol. 9 - 1991. ISBN 3-529-02649-2 , page 125.
  6. Henrik Fangel: Fuglsang, Sophus . in: Biographical Lexicon for Schleswig-Holstein and Lübeck . Wachholtz, Neumünster 1982–2011. Vol. 9 - 1991. ISBN 3-529-02649-2 , page 125.
  7. Henrik Fangel: Fuglsang, Sophus . in: Biographical Lexicon for Schleswig-Holstein and Lübeck . Wachholtz, Neumünster 1982–2011. Vol. 9 - 1991. ISBN 3-529-02649-2 , page 124.
  8. Henrik Fangel: Fuglsang, Sophus . in: Biographical Lexicon for Schleswig-Holstein and Lübeck . Wachholtz, Neumünster 1982–2011. Vol. 9 - 1991. ISBN 3-529-02649-2 , page 124.