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Saint Soteris is a 4th century Christian martyr who was killed around 305 during the Diocletian persecution.

Soteris belonged to a noble Roman family and was related to Ambrosius of Milan (according to his own statements), who was also the only one to pass on her martyrdom: She survived the first persecution of Christians under Emperor Decius in the middle of the 3rd century. Decades later she was imprisoned and tortured again under Emperor Diocletian. She was beheaded because of her refusal to make a pagan sacrifice.

The cemetery on Via Appia , where she had her original grave, is named after her. Pope Stephen II had a church built over her grave restored in the middle of the 8th century; however, the building was destroyed soon afterwards and today we have no knowledge of its exact location. However, Soteris' relics had already been transferred to the church of San Martino ai Monti in Rome.

Remembrance day: February 10th

See also


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