Source Bleue (Ougney-Douvot)

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Source Bleue
Source Bleue (Ougney-Douvot) .jpg
The Source Bleue
Country or region Doubs department , Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region ( France )
Coordinates 47 ° 19 ′ 16 ″  N , 6 ° 16 ′ 4 ″  E
Mountains law
Source type Karst spring
Exit type Source pot
River system Rhone
Receiving waters DoubsSaôneRhoneMediterranean

Coordinates: 47 ° 19 ′ 16 ″  N , 6 ° 16 ′ 4 ″  E

The Source Bleue , also known as Source de Briseux , is a karst spring near Ougney-Douvot in the Doubs department in the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region in France . The bluish shimmering spring pot is located on the northern edge of the Jura on the right bank of the Doubs between the Dole – Belfort railway line and Départementsstraße  277. The stream that rises there flows into the Doubs after about 50 m.

See also

Web links

Commons : Source de Briseux  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Google Earth