Sparkasse of the municipality of Egg

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Logo of the savings banks  Sparkasse of the municipality of Egg
Sparkasse Egg.JPG
Country AustriaAustria Austria
Seat Loco 873, 6863 Egg
legal form Community savings bank
Bank code 20603
founding April 17, 1873
Association Austrian Savings Bank Association
Business data 2019
Total assets 372 million euros
Employee 30th
Offices 4th
Board Hermann Bachmann and Hannes Moosmann
Corporate management

Hermann Bachmann

List of savings banks in Austria
Sparkasse logo

The Sparkasse of the community of Egg is a Bregenzerwald bank with headquarters in Egg and branches in Schoppernau , Bezau and Hittisau . It is also known as "d'Wälderbank" (name patented). The Sparkasse is a member of the cooperation and liability association of the Austrian savings banks and the Austrian savings bank association .

Founding history

Founding on April 17, 1873 on a cooperative basis - 65 founding members (only 26 from Egg) subscribed to 245 shares with a total capital of 10,475 guilders. The strong supra-regional character of the institute was also reflected in the appointment of the first supervisory board. The general assembly elected members from 8 different communities in the valley to the control committee. Until 1904, the savings and advance fund for Egg and the surrounding area was the only institute in the valley. It was not until 1907 that it was converted into a communal savings bank (at that time primarily for tax reasons). The necessary approvals by the authorities came at the beginning of November 1906. After the liquidation of the cooperative, the remaining assets were transferred to the reserve fund of the Sparkasse. In mid-April 1907 the Sparkasse of the municipality of Egg was opened. In 1972 the first branch was founded in Schoppernau. Branches in Bezau (1979) and Hittisau (1982) followed. In 2002 he joined the liability association of the Austrian savings banks. Since then, customer funds have been secured beyond the statutory deposit insurance (up to 100% of deposits).

Founding thought

With the transformation into a community savings bank, the Sparkasse Egg did not become an institution of the community, but has nevertheless remained an independent institute. Since it therefore belongs neither to the state nor to the municipality, nor to private persons or groups of persons, there is no one who could draw any personal and direct benefit from the profits. According to the founding mandate, the Sparkasse's profits are therefore used exclusively for the formation of security reserves to protect depositors and for charitable and cultural donations. This task is also anchored in the statutes.

Structural development of the main institute

Until 1959, the Sparkasse had to make do with 2 rented rooms, the lack of space became more and more oppressive. In 1918 a building site was acquired in the center of the village (No. 11), which was to be built on "when the opportunity arises". In 1943, however, this property had to be sold again. In 1959 a separate main institute building was built and moved into in the center of Egg. In 1975 the main institute was expanded as part of the realization of a joint project with the municipality of Egg. In 1993 the main facility was adapted and adapted to the new technical and spatial requirements (self-service zones, consultation rooms, foyers, etc.). In the recent past, all locations of the Sparkasse Egg were renovated in order to meet the requirements of a modern and service-oriented Sparkasse (brighter and modern rooms, even more consultation rooms, etc.).

Regional and social responsibility

Sparkasse Egg takes its mission to focus on the common good very seriously and has therefore supported numerous institutions and associations in carrying out their activities right from the start. Supporting youth in the Bregenzerwald is also very important to Sparkasse Egg. That is why there has been an intensive cooperation with the Bregenzerwald Open Youth Work for many years.


  • 150 years of savings banks in Austria, Vienna 1969
  • Anniversary publication 110 years of Sparkasse Egg
  • 100 years of the Savings Bank Association
  • Die Sparkassen, Responsibility for Economy and Society Vienna, 2005
  • Austrian Savings Banks Association: Savings Banks Handbook 2012

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b query for bank code 20603. In: SEPA payment transactions directory of the Oesterreichische Nationalbank (OeNB) . (Requires browser reloading.)

Coordinates: 47 ° 25 '53.4 "  N , 9 ° 53' 52.2"  E