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Sparrow Bird ( Codex Manesse , 14th century)

Spervogel ("Sperling", after 1170?), Like Herger (around 1170) and the young Spervogel (around 1200 or later), is one of the High Medieval, Middle High German song poets .

In any case, the song manuscripts of the 13th and 14th centuries assign the oldest song poetry to him, while today's research assigns Spervogel only the middle part of the corpus handed down in the Manessian song manuscript .

23 rhyming stanzas , mostly single stanzas , in the same tone , related to Herger's tone , as well as the melody have been preserved from Spervogel. The stanzas contain general wisdom and were mostly addressed to a noble audience.

Areas of Effect

One of the earliest examples of the expression " Christmas " goes back to one of his poems (around 1180/90) :

"He is violent unde starc, who was born before near: there is the holy Krist."

Based on this text, Robert Volkmann composed his motet Christmas carol from the 12th century (“He is mighty and strong”) for choir and solo voices.

At the end of the 1860s, the composer Wendelin Weißheimer also took texts by Spervogel ("Tugend das Schönste Kleid", "Lebens Rule", "Der Thor", "Die böse Zeit" and "Der gute Wirt") in his large song cycle "Deutsche Minnesänger" on. Paul Hindemith's No. 3 of the Songs after Old Texts, Op. 33, sets Spervogel's "Art does not allow from Art" to music.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Karl Lachmann, Moriz Haupt (ed.): Des Minnesangs Frühling ; Leipzig 1857, p. 28