State award patent

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Since 2016, the State Patent Prize has been awarded every two years for inventions and trademarks by the Climate Protection Ministry together with the Austrian Patent Office . The award belongs to the group of state awards of the Republic of Austria .


The Austrian Patent Office selects the nominees from among those companies and creative people who have made a significant contribution to scientific and economic progress in Austria.

The decision is made by a jury from science, research and industry, which includes renowned experts from the fields of business, art, media, universities and patent attorneys.

The Austrian Patent Office organizes the award of the state prizes “Patent of the Year”, the “Brand of the Year” and a special prize on behalf of the Climate Protection Ministry. The special prizes awarded in 2016 were the Hedy Lamarrs Special Prize for Women with Ingenuity and in 2018 the Special Lifetime Achievement Prize for the entire work of an Austrian inventor.

The nominated projects were presented to the public at festive awards ceremonies in Vienna's Sofiensäle and awarded by the Federal Minister by presenting the trophies designed by the designer Lukas Bast.

Conditions of participation

In the “Patent” and “Trademark” categories, all owners of a patent or registered trademark issued by the Austrian Patent Office within the last two years prior to the year of granting can apply .

For the special price, holders of an Austrian patent can submit, which was granted within a period appropriate to the subject of the special price.

Requirements for a nomination are:

  • upright protection
  • Publication date of the patent in the Austrian Patent Gazette (Part II) in the specified period or
  • Registration date of the Austrian trademark in the specified period
  • Residence or business location in Austria

The following are decisive for the award:

  • Patent: originality, technological complexity, implementation opportunities, importance for society
  • Brand: Artistic conception, uniqueness and recognition value, coherent and clear brand message, embedding in the company portfolio or use
  • Special prize: importance for society, radius of effect, applicability

Excellent property rights and award winners

For details on the excellent property rights, see under web links.

1st award on November 9, 2016

  • Patent of the year: Powder snow from the "artificial cloud"
    The "artificial cloud" creates fresh snow for ski areas. This snow is either airy, light powder snow or wet, heavy snow. Unlike conventional snow cannons, which only work well from −5 ° C, the "artificial cloud" produces up to 15 m³ of powder snow from one m³ of water even at particularly low temperatures: a plus in snow quality, sustainable use of water and energy .
Prize winners: Michael Bacher, Meinhard Breiling, George F. Best, Sergej Sokratov (TU Vienna, BOKU Vienna)
  • Brand of the year: johan
    johan offers furnishing solutions with a clear, timeless design language, durable and with the aim of sustainability. "Everyone is a little - johan". This slogan refers to the company's philosophy and the meaning of the individual letters (young, open, warm, authentic, sustainable). johan is derived from the name, which is very traditional in Austria, and creates a new interpretation of the familiar with the reduced spelling (an n). johan stands for the combination of regional craft tradition with a modern, durable and timeless design. The spelling in lower case letters and a leaf as a dot above the j symbolize a modest naturalness.
Prize winner: Alois Hechinger
  • Special prize Hedy Lamarr: Semiconductor laser based on gallium nitride
    With this invention, a new and robust semiconductor laser is available for the infrared range, which is particularly important in telecommunications. This was achieved for the first time through the targeted introduction of special foreign atoms into the active medium of this new type of laser. In the past, substances containing arsenic or indium had to be used, for which there are health risks on the one hand or whose global occurrence is very limited. With the invention, an established system has now been expanded for this important wavelength range.
Award winner: Prof. Dr. Alberta Bonanni and Team (JKU Linz)
Lamarr's son Anthony Loder traveled specially from the USA for the special award Hey Lamarr.

2nd award on November 8, 2018

  • Patent of the year:
    Braille ring The Braille ring enables reading in Braille on a ring-shaped reader, which is robust, cost-efficient and therefore particularly inclusive.
Prize winners: Michael Treml, Wolfgang Zagler, Dominik Busse (TU Vienna)
  • Brand of the year: Libertydothome
    Libertydothome is the word and image brand for a micro-home living concept developed in Vienna for the homeless. The brand stands for the functionality of the product and for the fact that a home can also mean freedom, which contributes to inclusion.
Prize winners: Markus Hörmannseder, Philipp Hüttl
  • Lifetime Achievement Special Prize: Lighting without blinds
    For his tireless work as an engineer, entrepreneur, inventor and university professor. Outstanding among Bartenbach's many patented inventions is the dark-light technology. The reflector technology does not dazzle the viewer either from the light source or from its reflection in the reflector. The mirror louvre luminaire is considered the first glare-free lighting.
Award winner: Christian Bartenbach

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Lukas Bast Design. In: Website Lukas Bast. Retrieved March 2, 2020 .
  2. ↑ Conditions of participation 2020
  3. State Patent Award 2016. In: Website of the ÖPA. Retrieved March 2, 2020 .
  4. State Patent Award 2018. In: ÖPA website. Retrieved March 2, 2020 .