Site shooting range

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On-site shooting range with three shooting ranges (Cuxhaven-Altenwalde, 2012)

A site shooting range ( StOSchAnl ) is a military facility of the Bundeswehr . You should a site troops conducting school shooting with small arms and anti-tank hand weapons, as well as exercises of the preparatory shooting training with on-board weapons and field guns allow. If a shooting range is used by several locations, it is called a collective location shooting range ( SaStOSchAnl ). Combat shooting takes place on military training areas .

The site elder regulates the use of the site shooting range by issuing usage regulations. The operator is the Bundeswehr Service Center (BwDLZ). It administers and operates the site shooting range including its infrastructure, creates the conditions for military use and supports the site elder and the barracks commander . The BwDLZ provides a shooting range attendant for operation. A so-called small shooting range commission checks the on-site shooting ranges in operation at least once a year in terms of shooting safety and structural aspects. The new construction of on-site shooting ranges requires legal immission control approval.

On site shooting ranges, there are shooting ranges of types A to D, some of which are equipped with electric folding target systems. The central guideline A2-222 / 0-0-4750 "Shooting with handguns" and the "Basic military infrastructure requirements for local shooting ranges" (GMIF StOSchAnl) contain a description of the various types of shooting range and their possible uses. The functional building usually includes a workshop with storage, toilet facilities, a lounge area and a cold store.

After the end of the Cold War and the associated reduction in the number of armed forces, numerous locations and therefore also location shooting ranges were closed. However, should the Armored Engineer Battalion 701 in Gera a new plant in Forst Zeitz be built.

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Individual evidence

  1. Central guideline A2-222 / 0-0-4750 "Shooting with handguns". (PDF) In: . Training Command, June 24, 2015, accessed August 5, 2019 .
  2. Landstetten shooting range, new construction of the company building. Bavarian State Building Authority, accessed on August 5, 2019 .