Stanislaw Kazuro

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Stanislaw Kazuro

Stanisław Kazuro (born August 1, 1881 in Teklinapol , † November 30, 1961 in Warsaw ) was a Polish composer.


Kazuro studied at the Warsaw Music Academy with Zygmunt Noskowski and Mieczysław Surzyński , at the Accademia di Santa Cecilia in Rome with Giovanni Sgambati and in Paris with Vincent d'Indy . Here he also attended lectures on music history and philosophy at the Sorbonne .

In 1914 he returned to Warsaw and became organist at the Trinity Church. At the same time he organized the Ludowa opera of the Christian working-class youth. From 1916 he was conductor of the Warsaw Philharmonic . At the same time he founded a choir with which he performs works by Polish and Italian composers of the 16th and 17th centuries.

From 1917 to 1939 Kazuro was professor of solfège at the Warsaw Conservatory, where he also taught conducting, counterpoint and singing. In 1920 he took part in the Polish-Soviet War as an officer . In 1922 he founded the Polska Kapela Ludowa from students from Warsaw University , a choir with which he toured Poland and made several records.

In 1927 Kazuro established a music education faculty at the Warsaw Conservatory. 1930–31 he was director of the seminar for music teachers. During the Second World War he ran a secret conservatory in Warsaw. After the suppression of the Warsaw Uprising, Kazuro moved to Krakow. In 1945 he led the reconstruction of the Warsaw Conservatory, which was re-established in 1946 under the name Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Muzyczna and of which he was rector until 1951.

In addition to his compositions, Kazuro published several textbooks. He wrote the libretto for his opera Powrót himself and wrote some literary works, including the novel Profesor Zubrewicz i jego trzej wychowańcy (1926).


Orchestral works

  • Młodość , symphonic poetry
  • Smutna ziemia, echo leśne, z pól i łąk , symphonic triptych
  • Suita mazurków
  • Rapsodia polska
  • Obrazek wiejski
  • Nad morzem
  • Chorał nocy
  • Dziewiczy wieczór
  • Echa z Tatr
  • Dwanaście miniature
  • Dwa krakowiaki
  • Dwa hymny
  • three violin concertos, 1951–53
  • Concert na klarnet i orkiestre , 1953
  • Wariacje for clarinet and string orchestra, 1955

Chamber music

  • Preludium i fuga for violin, viola and piano
  • Dwadzieścia dwie inwencje for flute, oboe and clarinet
  • Inwencje 3-głosowe for three violins
  • Dziesięć inwencji 2-głosowych for piano

Vocal works

  • Adagio for concert voice and string orchestra
  • Paki , suite for solo voice, choir and orchestra
  • Tuberozy , suite for solo voice, choir and orchestra
  • Suita legionowa for solo voice, choir and orchestra "for solo voices, choir and orchestra
  • Lot , oratorio
  • Świt, dzień i zachód , cantata, 1911
  • Bajka , Opera, 1914
  • Symfonia "Wiosna" for soprano, choir and orchestra, 1919
  • Słonce , oratorio, 1929
  • Powrót , Opera, 1934
  • Suita taneczna for choir and orchestra, 1936
  • Morze , Oratorio, 1937
  • Moja pieśń wieczorna , oratorio, 1938
  • Pieśni żołnierza polskiego for choir a cappella
  • Nad wielkim morzem for a cappella choir
  • Pieśni o ziemi i morzu Italii for a cappella choir
  • Raptularzyk szkolny pieśni okolicznościowych for a cappella choir
  • Piętnaście polskich pieśni ludowych for choir a cappella
  • Dwanaście białoruskich pieśni ludowych for choir a cappella


  • Nauka śpiewu - metodyka (Warsaw 1920)
  • Co to jest solfeggio (Warsaw 1925)
  • Polska pieśń ludowa i jej znaczenie dla kultury narodowej (Warsaw 1925)
  • Drogi rozwoju słuchu muzycznego (Warsaw 1927)
