Stanislaw Potrzebowski

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Stanisław Potrzebowski (2017)

Stanisław Potrzebowski (born February 9, 1937 in Brest am Bug ) is a Polish historian and philosopher . He is the founder of Rodzima Wiara , a Polish Rodist religious community and co-founder of the "European Congress of Ethnic Religions".


After school Potrzebowski studied from 1954 Geology at the AGH Scientific-Technical University in Krakow . In 1957, before completing his studies, he was arrested by the Polish secret service ( Służba Bezpieczeństwa ). He had distributed leaflets protesting against the closure of Po Prostu magazine . From 1958 he served in the Air Force of the Republic of Poland . This left in 1966 with the rank of Porucznik . By 1972 he completed a history degree at the University of Wroclaw with honors .

In 1973 Potrzebowski emigrated to the Federal Republic of Germany and began studying at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz . In 1980 he became a Ph.D. of philosophy. In 1985 he traveled to South Africa and worked there for the German School Pretoria .

In 1991 he returned to Poland and has lived in Wroclaw ever since .


  • Stanisław Potrzebowski: Zadruga: a national movement in Poland (dissertation). IaS, Bonn 1982, ISBN 978-3-923428-00-7 .
  • Stanisław Potrzebowski: Słowiański ruch Zadruga. Triglav, Stettin 2016, ISBN 978-83-62586-96-7 .

Individual evidence

  1. Rodzima Wiara website of the organization. Retrieved August 20, 2018. (Polish)
  2. Stanisław Potrzebowski, Rodzima Wiara, December 6, 2012 in the Department of Religious Studies at the Jagiellonian University. Retrieved August 20, 2018. (Polish)
  3. Stanisław Potrzebowski: Słowiański smell zadruga . Triglav, Wrocław 2016, ISBN 978-83-62586-96-7 , p. 216 (Polish).
  4. Tomasz Szczepański: Rozmowa for dr. Stanisławem Potrzebowskim, naczelnikiem Rodzimej Wiary . In: Association for Tradition and Culture "Niklot" (ed.): Trygław. Kwartalnik metapolityczny . Spring 2010, ISSN  1429-3749 .