Strong Markov quality

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The strong Markov property is a property that a class of stochastic processes , more precisely Markov processes , can, but does not have to, have. It can therefore be assigned to probability theory . The strong Markov property is a tightening of the weak Markov property , in which a deterministic point in time is replaced by a (random) stop time .


A Markov process with distributions and index set is given .

The process now has the strong Markov property , if for every bounded, - -measurable function and for every finite stop time and all the equation


It is the σ-algebra of τ-past and defining


For countable index sets

If one denotes the distribution of the process at the start in , then the strong Markov property for countable index sets is equivalent to

for all finite stop times . In this case it can be proven that the strong Markov property already follows from the weak Markov property.

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