Statio Dominus Mundi

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The Statio Dominus Mundi seen from the south
Statio Dominus Mundi from the northeast

Statio Dominus Mundi is a sacred and artificial building in the Illingen district of Wustweiler . The private chapel is under the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of the Benedictine Abbey of Tholey .


The chapel was built in 2002 according to the plans of the architect Alexander von Branca by the entrepreneur couple Ursula and Edmund Meiser (founders of the company Gebr. Meiser ) on private property. The Latin name combines the liturgical term Statio ("prayer stop on the way") with the Christ title "Lord of the world".


The square sandstone building sits enthroned like a fortress on a hill near Wustweiler. The entrance is in the southwest corner, in the southeast there is a small bell tower. The corners form lines of sight with tall windows, and daylight also falls through the ceiling windows. The inside is clearly structured. The walls are white, the floors are fitted with marble tiles, eight square pillars delimit the center of the church and support the roof. In the north-west there is a marble altar with a tabernacle behind it .

Museum of Medieval Art

The sacred building houses an important collection of medieval masters, including a work by Lucas Cranach .


  • Drutmar Cremer: Where heaven and earth meet: to the Statio Jesus Christ - Dominus mundi - Lord of the world . Ars Liturgica, Maria Laach, 2006, ISBN 3-86534-013-X
  • Sandra Wagner: Stairway to heaven in the country: The Statio Dominus mundi in Wustweiler . In: OPUS: Kulturmagazin Saarland, Rhineland-Palatinate, Lorraine and Luxembourg. Saarkultur publishing house, Saarbrücken, 2012, pp. 24-25

Individual evidence

  1. Tholeyer Brief 2011 ( Memento of March 4, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF; 1.6 MB)
  2. Stations Dominos Mundi , Art Lexicon, Institute for Current Art in Saarland, accessed on February 4, 2019

Web links

Commons : Statio Dominus Mundi  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 49 ° 23 '48.9 "  N , 7 ° 2' 50.1"  E