Statuette of Nike (NAMA 159)

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The statuette of Nike in the National Archaeological Museum of Athens (NAMA) with the inventory number 159 is dated to the late 4th century BC. Dated.

The statuette was found in Epidaurus . It is made of Parian marble and is less than life-size with a height of 0.81 m. Most of the statuette has been preserved, the left forearm, the right hand and the toes of the right foot are missing. The head and arms were broken off and reattached, the left shoulder has been modernly restored from plaster. Nike wearing a peplum in laconic form, girt below the breast. The right chest, like the right leg, is uncovered . The long, wavy hair is tied in a bun at the back of the head. The goddess was shown flying. The wings were also made of marble and were attached to the back, the notches of which can still be seen on the shoulders. The statuette was an acroter figure of the left western pediment of the Temple of Artemis of Epidaurus and thus belonged to a group of such figures ( NAMA 160 , NAMA 161 ).


Web links

Commons : Statuette of Nike  - collection of images, videos and audio files