Stefan Sauter

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Stefan Sauter

Stefan Sauter (* 1964 in Heidelberg ) is a German mathematician who deals with numerical mathematics.

Sauter studied mathematics (and physics as a minor) at Heidelberg University from 1985 to 1990 . He then worked as an assistant at the University of Kiel , where he did his doctorate in 1993 under Wolfgang Hackbusch (on the efficient use of the Galerkin method for solving Fredholm's integral equations ). In 1993/94 he was a post-doc at the University of Maryland , College Park and then again until 1998 as an assistant in Kiel, where he qualified as a professor in 1998 (coarsening of finite element spaces). In 1998/99 he was a professor at the University of Leipzig and has been a professor of applied mathematics at the University of Zurich since 1999 .

Among other things, Sauter dealt with fast numerical methods for the treatment of integral equations, finite element methods (introduction of composite finite elements with Hackbusch) and the numerics of partial differential equations.

In 1996 he received the Oberwolfach Prize .


  • with Christoph Schwab: Boundary Element Method Analysis, Numerics and Implementation of Fast Algorithms, Teubner 2004

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