Steffen Heckele

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Steffen Heckele (* 1977 ) is national coach and director of education in the German Ju-Jitsu Federation (DJJV) and carries the 6th Dan in Ju-Jitsu .

Heckele passed his 1st state examination as a special education teacher in 2003, has been a certified trainer of the German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB) since 2005 and completed his 2nd state examination as a special education teacher in 2008. He works at a special needs education and advice center in Baden-Württemberg .

In the Ju-Jutsu-Verband Württemberg (JJW) he was school sports coordinator from 1998 to 2007 and vice-president of the JJVW from October 2007 to May 2017. From 2002 to 2005 he was in charge of the C-squad, the junior national team in the DJJV and since 2006 he has been responsible for all men's squads as national coach. Steffen Heckele looks after the men's A & B squad in the fighting discipline.

Since 2006, Steffen Heckele has been director of education on the board of the DJJV. He coordinates basic, advanced and advanced training and is therefore responsible for trainer training.


As national coach, Heckele was able to lead the Ju-Jutsuka he trained to great successes, including several world and European champions .

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