Stephan P. Leher

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Stephan P. Leher (born February 20, 1956 in Linz ) is an Austrian Roman Catholic moral theologian .


He attended the Peuerbach elementary school: 1962–1966, the Stiftsgymnasium Kremsmünster : 1966–1968 and the Realgymnasium Schärding: 1968–1972. He held an American Field Service - International Scholarship: 1972–1973. The Graduation Highline Highschool, Seattle, took place in 1973. After graduating from the Realgymnasium Schärding in 1974, he studied medicine at the University of Vienna : 1974–1980. After graduating as Dr. med. univ. In 1980 he entered the Society of Jesus that same year . The diploma course in philosophy at the Center Sèvres : 1981 - 1983 he graduated with a License en Philosophy ( Baccalauréat canonique). Topic of the thesis: L'éthique médicale face aux progrès de la biologie et de la médecine, en considérant plus particulièrement leproblem de la mort 1984 from. He did open youth work at Kennedy-Haus Innsbruck: 1983–1984 He graduated in Catholic theology at the PTH Sankt Georgen from 1984–1987 as a graduate theologian: 1987 Topic of the work: "Absolute Knowledge" and "Supernatural Existential". Comparison of basic terms in the "Phenomenology of Spirit" by GWF Hegel and in the "Basic Course of Faith" by Karl Rahner. After being ordained a priest in Innsbruck in 1987 , he was hospital chaplain at the Innsbruck University Clinics and pastoral trainee in the parish of Allerheiligen : 1987–1988. The doctoral studies at the Pontifical Gregorian University , he completed 1988-1991 awarded the degree of Dr. theol. with Klaus Demmer in moral theology: 1991 Topic of the work: Teorie di verità neoscolastiche (Viktor Cathrein) in dialogo con la filosofia del linguaggio (L. Wittgenstein, JL Austin) From 1991 to 1995 he completed his training as a general practitioner at the University Clinics of Innsbruck University. Since 1992 he has been a member of the ethics committee of the Medical Faculty of the University of Innsbruck. From 1992 to 1996 he was a university lecturer at the Medical Faculty of the University of Innsbruck. He obtained the diploma “Psychosocial Medicine” in 1996. He obtained the diploma “Psychosomatic Medicine” in 1996. Since 2002 he has been teaching as a university professor for moral theology. He has been a priest in the Diocese of Linz since October 2013 .

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