Stephen VIII

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Stephen VIII (IX) (* in Rome ; † October 942 ) was Pope from July 14, 939 until his death in late October 942.

Stephen VIII came from Rome and was probably cardinal priest of Santi Silvestro e Martino ai Monti . His election as pope took place under the influence of the Roman prince Alberich II. He was the second pope to owe his office to the interference of this prince. Because of the resulting dependency, he only governed the Papal States formally.

Few events are known from his pontificate. Stephan and Alberich are said to have supported the monastery reforms in Cluny and also received Abbot Odo von Cluny . In the French controversy for the throne, he sided with King Ludwig IV of West Franconia .

According to later, uncertain sources, Stephen VIII was involved in political battles between the Italian King Hugo von Arles and Alberich II and took part in a revolt against his former patron Alberich. That is why he was imprisoned and ultimately punished by being mutilated, as a result of which he died.


In an alternative count, the priest Stephen II , who was elected Pope but died before his episcopal ordination, is recognized as Pope. As a result, all other popes with this name are counted with a higher number, i.e. Stephen VIII than Stephen IX. - In specialist literature, the spelling Stephan VIII. (IX.) Is often used to avoid misunderstandings .


Web links

Commons : Stephan VIII.  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files
predecessor Office successor
Leo VII Pope
Marinus II.