Sterope (daughter of Akastus)

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Sterope ( ancient Greek Στερόπη ) is in Greek mythology a daughter of Akastos , the king of Iolkos , and Astydameia . She was the sister of Laodameia and Sthenele , her brothers are not known by name.

Her name is only mentioned in connection with Astydameia's intrigue against Peleus . After Astydameia had tried in vain to seduce Peleus, who had fled to Iolkos, she sent his wife Antigone (daughter of Eurytion) the news that he wanted to marry Sterope. Antigone then hanged himself.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Libraries of Apollodorus 3, 13, 3.
  2. Hyginus Mythographus , Fabulae 103 f.
  3. Libraries of Apollodorus 3, 13, 8.
  4. ^ Libraries of Apollodorus 3, 13, 3.