Steve Lane

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Steve Lane (born November 7, 1921 as Stephen Evans Lane , † August 22, 2015 ) was a British musician ( cornetist , arranger , composer and bandleader) of hot jazz and music producer .

Lane graduated from Latymer School in Edmonton , London , and then worked in Acton at CAV-Bosch , an automotive supplier. He first played the guitar and then switched to the cornet. From the early 1950s he headed the Southern Stompers , where Cyril Davies was a banjoist at the time. This group played in the style of Jelly Roll Morton and performed at the Ealing Jazz Club , which he ran. Then he headed his Red Hot Peppers and the VJM ​​Washboard Band , both of which he led for over 50 years and with whom he also made recordings. He also recorded with the Halcyon Dance Orchestra , which consisted of the instrumentalists of the Southern Stompers , but played in a different style.

He was also since 1960 (alongside Brian Rust and John Wadley) one of the producers of the label VJM ​​Records ; he produced Ken Colyer , Speckled Red and Steve Miller , among others . His compositions were recorded by Diane Schuur , among others .

Discographic notes

  • Steve Lane's Southern Stompers With Michèle Just Gone (Major Minor 1969)
  • Steve Lane's Famous Southern Stompers Snake Rag (Stomp Off 1982)
  • Steve Lane and the Famous Red Hot Peppers With Michele Red Hot Peppers (VJM 1987)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Obituary (London Jazz News)
  2. Steve Lane & Cyril Davies
  3. ^ National Jazz Archive