Branch line

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Open branch line (stub)

As a stub in is high-frequency systems a electric line for impedance matching , ie to improve the insertion loss or reduction of the reflected wave, respectively.

The branch line can be open at the end ( open circuit ) or short-circuited (short circuit).

In the Smith diagram it causes a rotation of the impedance or admittance point : open cable end to the right, short-circuited to the left.

The length of the branch line in relation to the specific wavelength in the medium determines “how far” this rotation takes place.

The English word "stub" has meanwhile entered the German language as "stub" .

See also


  • Heinrich-Karl Podszeck: Carrier-frequency message transmission over high-voltage lines. Third completely revised edition, Springer Verlag Berlin, Berlin 1962.
  • Otto Zinke , Heinrich Brunswig: Textbook of high frequency technology. First volume, fourth, revised and expanded edition, Springer Verlag Berlin - Heidelberg GmbH, Berlin 1990, ISBN 978-3-540-51421-3 .

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