Addiction Aid Foundation St. Gallen

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Addiction Aid Foundation St. Gallen
legal form Foundation, endowment
founding 1990
Seat St. Gallen , Switzerland
Branch Social affairs

The Foundation for addicts is a corporation founded in 1990 in St. Gallen is moved Foundation , the addiction work operates at the municipal level. On behalf of the Canton of St. Gallen and the City of St. Gallen, it runs seven specialist outpatient departments, which are supplemented by an inpatient service.


Foundation and first years

In 1990 the Addiction Aid Foundation was established under the name “Help for Drug Addicts” Foundation. The sponsors were the city of St. Gallen, the canton of St. Gallen, the municipal parishes in St. Gallen and the Pro Juventute St. Gallen. The reason for the establishment of the foundation was the drug misery that became apparent from 1987 onwards in Swiss cities, sometimes also in the city of St. Gallen.

As a first act, the foundation set up a care offer in the city of St. Gallen with the so-called “Bienenhüsli”. The offer consisted of providing drug addicts with clean syringes, wound care and the distribution of food. However, the measure also had negative side effects such as violence, drug trafficking, mountains of waste and faeces and crime related to acquisitions . Finally, the "Bienenhüsli" was cleared in 1993, as the local population voted at the ballot box against further financing of this project. But that did not solve the problem and the drug scene was spread across other public areas of the city of St. Gallen. The city acted on it and assigned the scene a new place on the St. Gallen “Schellenacker”.

Expansion of the offer

The foundation “Help for drug addicts” established an emergency aid project in 1993, which could be realized thanks to a finance committee of the association “drug help St. Gallen”. The project envisaged the dispensing of methadone , which calmed the situation for many addicts because the everyday stress of procurement was eliminated. At the beginning of 1994, the emergency aid project was replaced by the medical-social help center 2, which had a better infrastructure and could also offer medical and social help.

In 1995, the foundation established a heroin prescription project, which became the task of the medical and social support center 1. The original task of this position consisted of supplying syringes for those affected by addiction, which was then taken over in 1996 by the reorganized HIV prevention system under the name “Blue Angel”. In the following year, the foundation began to expand its offer, reformulated some of the existing offers and from then on appeared under the name “Stiftung Suchthilfe”.

Departments and public relations

Specialized office for outreach social work

The specialists of this company work in public spaces, where they can address individuals and groups in a targeted manner, offer individual help and, through targeted support, strengthen the personal responsibility of those affected by addiction.

Addiction center

The addiction center is a contact point for people with an existing addiction problem or risk as well as for their relatives or caregivers. In the counseling sessions, individual solutions are worked out together with those affected and their relatives. Another task of the addiction center is to provide targeted information and coaching for people from the wider environment, such as employers or teachers. The addiction center is also heavily involved in prevention work.

Medical and social assistance 1 (MSH 1)

The MSH 1 offer is based on the Federal Act on Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances of March 20, 2008, in force since January 1, 2010. MSH 1 complies with the “Ordinance on Narcotics Addiction and Other Addiction-Related Disorders” and is in Possession of the necessary operating licenses for the medical prescription of diacetylmorphine (heroin). This enables MSH 1 to offer regulated, heroin-assisted treatment to severely opiate dependent people. In addition, clients receive psychosocial and medical care and advice.

Medical and social support center 2 (MSH 2)

With MSH 2, opiate-dependent people have the option of substitution treatment. Only active substances approved in Switzerland, such as methadone, retard, are used as substitution agents. Morphine (Sevre-Long), buprenorphine (Subutex) or the like. Which substitution medication is administered to a client is determined in a discussion with the doctor at MSH 2. In addition to substitution, the MSH 2 has the task of supporting the social and professional reintegration of the participants through social counseling.

Blue Angel in the Katharinenhof (BEiK)

The BEiK takes on the task of HIV and hepatitis prevention. The risk of infection for drug users can be reduced by providing sterile injection material. The handover is housed in the Katharinenhof, which acts as a place to stay in the mornings for people in psychosocially difficult life situations with an addiction. BEiK's social workers are available to provide visitors with advice and assistance and, if necessary, pass them on to the relevant specialist departments.

Soup kitchen

The alley kitchen offers all visitors a warm lunch at a low price. From a technical point of view, the offer is mainly aimed at people in difficult psychosocial situations with an addiction and offers a place to stay. The social workers in the soup kitchen are on hand to provide visitors with advice and assistance and, if necessary, pass them on to the relevant specialist departments.

Work projects

With its work projects, the Addiction Aid Foundation is pursuing the goal of long-term reintegration of its clients into the professional world. In the foundation's own garden, six clients can complete work training or carry out smaller craft jobs. The foundation also cooperates with companies from the private sector, where jobs are offered daily or weekly.

Shared apartment Arche

The Arche residential community is supervised, permanent accommodation for a maximum of six people with addiction problems and health impairments.

public relation

In addition to its operational offers, the Addiction Aid Foundation appears repeatedly in public spaces and regularly takes part in major events. Its aim is to implement projects that benefit addicts and people at risk of addiction and raise society's awareness of the subject of "addiction".


The foundation of the Addiction Aid Foundation is formed by the Board of Trustees, which is made up of representatives of the executive or administration of the city and canton of St.Gallen, the contracting municipalities, the presidents of the St.Gallen parishes and two other experts.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The Drogenhoelle in the city center. Article from Retrieved August 12, 2019 .
  2. The Drogenhoelle in the city center. Article from Retrieved August 12, 2019 .
  3. ↑ Addiction Aid Foundation | History. Retrieved August 12, 2019 .
  4. ↑ Addiction Aid Foundation | History. Retrieved August 12, 2019 .
  5. FASA's operating concept. (PDF) Addiction Aid Foundation, accessed on August 12, 2019 .
  6. ^ Operating concept of the addiction center. (PDF) Addiction Aid Foundation, accessed on August 12, 2019 .
  7. Operating concept of MSH 1. (PDF) Stiftung Suchthilfe, p. 1,2 , accessed on August 12, 2019 .
  8. Operating concept of MSH 2. (PDF) Stiftung Suchthilfe, p. 1,2 , accessed on August 12, 2019 .
  9. ^ Operating concept of the Blue Angel in the Katharinenhof. (PDF) Addiction Aid Foundation, accessed on August 12, 2019 .
  10. Operating concept of the street kitchen. (PDF) Addiction Aid Foundation, accessed on August 12, 2019 .
  11. Operational concept of the work projects. (PDF) Addiction Aid Foundation, accessed on August 12, 2019 .
  12. ^ Operating concept for the Arche residential community. (PDF) Addiction Aid Foundation, accessed on August 12, 2019 .
  13. Brochure Addiction Aid Foundation St. Gallen. (PDF) Stiftung Suchthilfe, p. 6 , accessed on August 12, 2019 .
  14. ↑ Addiction Aid Foundation | Sponsorship. Retrieved August 12, 2019 .