Stone stool Point

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Stone stool Point
The Wilkes Station on Stonehocker Point (1957)
Geographical location
Stonehocker Point (Antarctica)
Stone stool Point
Coordinates 66 ° 15 ′  S , 110 ° 31 ′  E Coordinates: 66 ° 15 ′  S , 110 ° 31 ′  E
location Wilkesland , East Antarctica
coast Budd coast
Waters Mawson Lake
Waters 2 Powell Cove
Map of Northern Windmill Island, Antarctica.png
Map of the northern Windmill Islands with Stonehocker Point (center)

The Stone Stool Point is a rocky headland on the Budd Coast of the East Antarctic Wilke country . It forms the western foothills of the Clark Peninsula and is the location of the Wilkes Station, which was abandoned in 1969 .

The Wilkes station was built here in 1957 and was first used by a team led by the American polar explorer Carl R. Eklund (1909–1962). Eklund named the headland after the US ionospheric physicist Garth Hill Stonehocker (1925-1999), who was part of the winter team at Wilkes Station in 1957 during the International Geophysical Year .

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